Therefore, employees need to acquire skills that will help foster an enriching customer experience. Creating leaders in-house can be challenging, though. He thinks strategically and knows how to get things done as well as who to talk to. 5. In order for an employee performance appraisal to be effective, you need to have strategic objectives you would like to accomplish before starting the appraisal, according to management expert Josh Greenberg writing on the Performance Appraisals website. and retains your top employees. She meets all company standards for attendance and punctuality. Start by acknowledging your shortcomings and explain that you want to address them. Is highly self-aware and holds others accountable for their own perception management. John thinks and operates at the farthest horizons of strategic thinking. John has always been ahead of the curve, he is proactive and very strategic. Take the initiative on new projects that show how your understanding extends beyond your current function. I am always a highly reliable, strategically forward-thinking colleague. It also covers implementing and applying the strategy in addition to strategic review and evaluation (Alasmar, 2007) According to Elanzi and Akhras (2010), the lack of strategic thinking at the . Think about what you'd like your company to achieve in the next 5 or 10 years based on the current status of your business and create a strategic plan to achieve your goals. Here are some sample employee evaluation comments that you can refer to while conducting the next appraisal review. You can be relied upon by team members. And of course for other core competency descriptors, look no farther thanThe Performance Appraisal Tool Kitor Paul Falcones bestselling2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews. In the face of such realities, the notion of strategic thinking emerges to fill the gaps and overcome the limitations that experience with strategic planning has proven to exhibit. b. Uses training opportunities to develop creative people, innovative teams, and profitable revenue streams. b. Well done! His way of thinking is very strategic and wouldn't take no for an answer. With regard to strategic thinking, he is very knowledgeable about the strategic approach. Set goals. e. "He shares his knowledge of industry trends and best practices to achieve enhanced outcomes in his job. What is your plan to achieve them? Demonstrating that you think strategically about hiring and talent development is a surefire way to make your leaders notice you. 5., 2023. . e. You are adept at communicating difficult messages and decisions skillfully., a. He has an aptitude for critical thinking, but also for strategic thinking. He could look for strategic advantage and see it through to its conclusion. His strategic thinking is second to none. e. You exceed expectations when working solo, but you seem to have trouble expressing ideas and opinions in a team.. d. He replies to emails and calls in time., a. Creates a common mindset of learning, growing, and acquiring new skills. Effectively manages timecard processing, schedules work appropriately, and sets performance expectations to reach and exceed departmental goals. Strategic Thinking: Key to Corporate Survival Benjamin B. Tregoe and John W. Zimmerman, "Strategic Thinking: Key to Corporate Survival," Management Review 68, no. Additionally, he knows how to make strategic alliances with all the right players. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments; . John thinks more strategically than the people who are hired for that purpose. Strategic thinking is simply an intentional and rational thought process that focuses on the analysis of critical factors and variables that will influence the long-term success of a business, a team, or an individual. Simbline can help you write a feedback using phrases prepared for you. 68% of employees who receive accurate and consistent feedback feel fulfilled in their jobs. b. The rating scale for Performance Planning and Review is made up of five factors: Poor, Needs Improvement, Meets Requirements, Exceeds Requirements, and Outstanding. You deliver urgent work without compromising on the details. I am the best of the best and was my strategic partner over two decades. Rather than being inspirational, strategies are practical and logical methods that detail steps employees can take to benefit the vision. You fail to communicate with your peers effectively, and this is causing a lot of misunderstanding within the team. I have the unique ability to not only think strategically, but also knows how to operationalize those strategic thoughts. However, strategic thinking is different. He thinks strategically, but also just gets on and gets the job done. For more insights and business strategies,sign upfor our free leadership newsletter. a. He added significant value through this, but also through his strategic outside the box thinking. Crowdsourcing: What it Means for Innovation . I have interacted with me on some of the strategic initiatives. Excellent - Exceeds expectation often. There's a lack of planning in how you managed and delivered on priorities. In strategic planning, leaders gather data and decide on the path the organization will take to achieve its goals. His latest AMACOM book, 75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees, was released in 2016. About The Author If so, then try ratcheting up your expectations using some or all of the following samples . (Source- Clutch). Tim was promoted to the global role a year later and was ultimately better equipped to navigate the role. Tim channeled the new energy and vision he had gained into a strategic planning process that culminated in formal recommendations for the supply chain group. He thinks win for everyone, thinks broadly, and thinks big when he works. I am well versed in the online space both in strategic thinking and thorough analysis. 7. I am excellent at thinking strategically and following through with plans. If you were assigned a new project, what are the steps you would take to get the project moving and on track? I introduced the concept of cross-training and upskilling within the team, thereby enhancing the team's learning and ensuring business continuity. Working with him is exciting because he truly thinks strategically and moves fast. You are inconsiderate towards others opinions and ideas. Enjoyed working with him and his strategic thinking. Tim was a strong strategic thinker, but he wasnt doing it in a way his bosses could see it. Strategic thinking is therefore the first step in successfully executing any project. Strives to provide a healthy work-life balance and maintain perspective in light of constantly changing priorities. Strategic thinkers do not ignore that achievement is a long-term ride. c. She is precise in giving out directions and effectively communicates what she expects from her team members. Leadership & Strategic Vision: Strategic Thinking: Formulates effective approaches driving the objectives, vision, and competitive strategy of the organization. Strategic planning is the process of developing a blueprint for the work you will do against that direction. He is strategic in his thinking looking many moves ahead beyond his opponents. Vision . b. Vantage Circle. He was able to think for himself and strong on strategic thinking. Can handle bigger projects and assignments6. Attendance appraisal comment samples. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought.. He can capture the essence of cutting edge thinking, strategic thinking, and strategic vision at speed. a. John is one of the few that has both strategic thinking and effective execution. c. His creative skills are an asset to the team. John is a great professional because he has the balance between scientific thinking and strategic thinking. d. "He needs to focus more on the details and nitty-gritty before handing over a project." John is known for his strategic thinking and forward thinking for today's business. Developing your strategic thinking skills isn't enough to get you promoted. I am quick thinking, strategic and collaborative beyond compare. In short, effective review phrases can improve an employees performance and help them progress. I am the one who has strategic thinking together with ability to improve and make a better change. Rachel lacks analytical skills to become a good strategic planner. Does not settle for average performance but strives for excellence. d. "You dont tend to listen to and take other peoples opinions into consideration." b. Communication Self-Appraisal Comments. "She is always seeking opportunities to be more productive." He is both strategic and practical in his thinking. With strategic thinking, employees at all levels and in all functions continually scan for new ways to contribute to the organization's success. c. She lacks a sense of urgency. I am strategically strong and has the ability to push thinking forward. d. "She is a detail-oriented individual, which reflects positively in her work." This type of thinking is tactical. When Im helping my coaching clients learn to think more strategically, I emphasize that developing and demonstrating these skills are very different challenges. I am very adept at thinking conceptually and anticipating obstacles during my strategizing. 68. He thinks out-of-the box, is a strategic thinker and always thinks in solutions, rather than in problems. He thinks both strategically and creatively. Inspires team members to take ownership of their own performance improvement and career development. 36. 37. I am an intuitive and an agile business person who is always thinking about the next strategic step. b. Customer focus and customer service is the key to building everlasting relationships with customers. Has reached the level for promotional consideration. John's thinking is always strategic, open-minded, and well presented. Regular appraisal and evaluation of an employees performance can help them get clarity of their actions. I am also very strategic and has always created value for me stakeholders. " You lead by example. a. SAMPLE PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS. Creates an environment in which team members can find new ways of motivating themselves in light of our organizations changing needs. 5. You need to tailor your customer service to suit individual customers needs. No matter your level, you can demonstrate strategic thinking by executing an innovative project that shows that your understanding extends beyond your current function. Productivity appraisal comment samples. Try the following suggestions: If you don't advocate for yourself, no one else will. b. Six common components include: 1) tools for analysis; 2) strategic purpose; 3) values; 4) vision; 5) key goals; and 6) action planning. John's approach to strategic challenges was equally strategic. I found him to be well prepared, strategic in his thinking. 46. She has a knack for thinking outside the box. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. 16 Jun June 16, 2022. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. You are fair and treat every employee in your team equally and respectfully. John is both creative and strategic in his thinking. Paul Falcone is a human resources executive in Los Angeles and has held senior-level positions with Nickelodeon, Paramount Pictures, and Time Warner. He takes too many personal calls in a day. For over 20 years, Harvard ManageMentor has set the standard for on-demand leadership development. I am one of those people who just "get it" in regards to thinking strategically and outside the box. As you can see, there are lots of areas to focus on when describing leadership, and while no one size will fit all companies or situations, any one of these outlined approachestaken as a whole or combined in part with otherswill help your organization reach its goal of inspiring employees to higher performance and communicating clearly the level of excellence that you demand and expect from your leaders. 2022 Alle rechten voorbehouden. He knew that barely having time to collect his thoughts before going into meetings made him unprepared, less vocal, and less capable of synthesizing and sharing his knowledge. John is strategic and forward thinking, he thinks and . Try to make your goals as specific as possible. I have provided strategic thinking to us in the area of engagement and it has paid well for us. b. Strategic Planning: Exceeds Expectations Phrases. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm . While interpersonal skills come naturally to some people, for others, they can be cultivated with experience and knowledge. It follows an approach to strategy as a meaningful, playful, experimental and therefore creative way to design a sustainable and impactful future. b. His commitment, strategic thinking and dedication has always been outstanding. I am thorough in my approach to both the details and the forward thinking strategic initiatives. Strategic Planning: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce. They must arrive on time, take the designated time breaks to ensure efficiency and productivity. Creativity. Is willing to hear constructive criticism. vision and strategic thinking appraisal commentsparkhurst food service. He thinks strategically, yet he knows how to be diplomatic so that his suggestions are considered. By asking yourself, Do people know where I stand? you can sharpen your ability to demonstrate this skill. d. "You can adapt easily to various situations and different kinds of people." Showing strategic thinking skills tells your bosses that youre able to think for yourself and make decisions that position the organization for the future. These goals can relate to your performance or ongoing projects. He likes to take a traditional and risk-averse approach to things over a creative one. "You have displayed a highly consistent level of performance in your work." "When given any kind of feedback, you dont take it in a positive manner." Our company is complicated with John, his strategic thinking is off the charts. They are constantly guiding others to progress and advance. And strategy lays out the goals, big themes of work, and go-to-market approach that will help you achieve both the vision and mission. What tips would you offer anyone who is taking a role that involves strategic planning and accountability for decisions? b. All Rights Reserved. e. "He doesn't contribute effectively in his teams' activities. I am strategic and always thinks about best user impact and experience. HBR Learnings online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Leading People. His strategic thinking and competence with him domain is best-in-class. b. I am tenacious, strategic thinking, make it happen kind of guy. Many people conflate these two concepts. You present your opinions and instructions in a clear and objective manner, without coming across as self-serving. Focuses team on not getting bogged down in analysis paralysis. I encourage my team to indulge in self-learning and attend training constantly. John approaches everything he does with strategic thinking and vision. What factors do you consider when selecting the right people for your strategic planning team. Theres no better place to start than with your companys performance review template. 47. Performance Review Phrases for Training Skills Part 1 Performance Review Phrases for Attitude Part 2 Performance Review Phrases for Critical Thinking Part 3 Performance Review Examples: Additional Resources Part 4 Performance evaluation comments are a way to provide feedback to employees about their work performance. He is known for his objectivity, strategic thinking and organizational leadership. He is very strategic, dynamic and available to help those around him. He is also very strategic in his thinking. Mission captures at a high level what you will do to realize your vision. They are unable to delegate and prioritize tasks. Evaluation comments can include suggestions for improvement, observations . Milestones have all a concrete time and moment. c. You are honest and always admit when you dont have the knowledge about something. "He gathers all the necessary facts and information before finding a solution to a problem." Sets realistic work demands and a fair distribution of assignments. Part 28 General Phrases Meets or Exceeds Expectations He has remained firmly focused on his team's goals despite the tremendous pressure recently. You get frustrated with new hires easily and dont coach them properly. I am creative and forward-thinking and as a strategic thinking leader, is second to none in my experience. Strategic foresight: Strategic thinkers have the ability to think ahead and anticipate potential problems. Can you describe the techniques or methods that you have used to develop a strategic plan for your company or department? John thinks strategically and in his experience always adds more value than expected. a. John's strategic thinking was the driving force in our department. A wholesome appraisal process will consist of both positive and negative appraisal comments. Conducting performance reviews can be tricky, especially for managers. Takes responsibility for own mistakes and failures. When teams work together, they can reach solutions faster. 2. You ought to provide a diverse customer experience., A much-required skill, its importance becomes more prevalent among higher authority employees. I am strategic, smart, even tempered, and thinks with the end goal in mind. Adheres consistently to safety standards and all company policies and protocols. Encourages the key people to interact with the employees and customers about their perception of the company future and brings those views to the table. I am always willing to help strategize and has been crucial in my success. Creates internal competition by forming teams tasked with identifying viable solutions to ongoing quality challenges. I am a very effective contributor who excels at thinking strategically. I look for ambiguity when I'm writing because life is ambiguous. develop long-term strategic plan for the division Educates agency officials about new system and outlines how the long-term benefits align with agency goals Conducts workshop with employees, human resources staff, and customers to build a vision, strategy, and goals for the unit Level 3 - Unlike the additional work that is created by the process of strategic planning, we can understand strategic thinking as . I am always thinking about who can make good strategic alliances within the groups. Try to use these positive, negative and strategic thinking evaluation phrases and examples to write a performance appraisal feedback. He always thinks on many levels at the same time, tactical as well as strategic. b. Attitude appraisal comment samples. A good vision will draw you forward, and define the larger undertaking that drives your activities. 306 Followers. 1. You often find new and innovative solutions to a problem. John is both strategic thinking and practice. To suspend critical judgment in an effort to think more creatively, Liedtka proposes a strategic thinking model of interrelated attributes: 1. They brainstorm ideas in order to arrive at a decision and generate these ideas together. b. Strategic Planning is a technical fix that gets at only part of the question of organizational effectiveness and only deals with some of the dilemmas of organizations. An employees work ethic involves everything from coming in time, working diligently, being honest to respecting everyone in the workplace. Strategy touches every employee and serves as an actionable way to reach your company's goals. b. Allows for open and free discussions regardless of each person's position within the company but does not let one person dominate the session. Managers who receive feedback on their strengths are 8.9% more productive. Leaders want to know what you think, and they view . He is very good both at strategic thinking and at getting things done on the ground. He was therefore surprised to receive informal feedback from the head of HR, a longtime colleague and friend, who said that a few influential executives had voiced concern that Tim wasnt strategic enough. These executives felt Tim was good at keeping the trains running, but he had not driven proactive change in the organization or set a strategic vision for supply chain. ". Dear visitor, if you share this strategic thinking phrases with your colleagues and friends, you will also become our favorite. Communication Communication is a vital aspect of every relationship. Leadership. For this blog post, I define strategic thinking as: "A thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal." Note: I am not taking credit for this definition. I am strategically thoughtful - thinking through the consequences before making changes. Ho hum . Phase 2: Your Guide to the Strategy Development Process. It combines the highest quality content with a unique des. As a manager, it is your responsibility to appreciate employees who help foster a creative environment and approach employees who have trouble doing so. I am strategic, forward-thinking, and truly values those who bring different perspectives to the table. Systems Perspective: strategic thinking reflects a systems or holistic view c. He works to be the best for the team and not be the best of the team. I am well suited to positions that require strategic conceptual thinking. He is second to none in strategic thinking and he is visionary to stay ahead of the competition. Engages team in setting specific, measurable goals as well as concrete outcomes. He is always thinking about what our company could be doing to be more strategic. I am pro-active in my thinking and can think strategically as required. He was one of the most strategic that got me thinking out of the box right away. Employees in managerial positions are people who are always looking after others, i.e., their team members. Boldly suggesting value-added changes was a welcome shift to both Tim and his colleagues. Empowers teams to embrace change opportunities. You constantly push deadlines and fail to deliver on time. Strategic Thinking Sample Phrases To Write A Performance Appraisal Feedback. Tim communicated the project and its milestones across the organization, allowing the executive team to see that he could lead a strategic initiative; previously, Tim would have kept it behind the scenes. I am dynamic, and my thinking is both visionary and strategic. In other words, it's the qualities and behavior people use while interacting with others. Whenever there is a need of thinking out of the box, thinking strategically, thinking long term, he has always shown his mettle. We will review He is strategic in his thinking, his recommendations have always been in my best interests. 1. ". I am a strategic asset who thinks about more than my areas of responsibility. Structures projects and assignments with clear goals and measurable outcomes so that team members can creatively individualize solutions. 100 Performance Review Example Phrases. Fails to think before one plans and doesn't take the time or invest in tools to generate new insights, Makes a strategy a once a year activity instead of an ongoing conversation and does not care to monitor the already implemented strategies, Does not refresh the plans frequently to keep them from becoming stale and keep the energy energized on their execution, Defines goals that cannot be managed or measured throughout the layers of the company, Fails to make employees aware of the goals and therefore the employees do not understand what is expected of them, Develops plans that leave too much room for interpretation thus employees misinterpret the plans and miss the intended mark, Selects the wrong people for strategic planning instead of people who are able to analyze the current company's state and develop achievable future states, Develops a plan without aligning it with the budget thus makes it hard to transform the plan into action. What are your long-term and short-term goals? Strategic thinking is an intentional process easily lost amid the pressures of operational decision-making and tactical leadership. He is strategic in his thinking and very pragmatic in his execution. A performance-review system that focuses the attention of top managers on key problem and opportunity areas without forcing those managers to struggle through an in-depth review of each business unit's strategy every year. e. Your approach to problems is often rigid and conventional.. 45. Vantage Circle. e. "You are equal in your treatment to everyone and communicate with your peers respectfully. b. Can you describe a time when you have anticipated the future and made changes to current operations to meet future needs? I am able to balance strategic thinking with knowing what's possible. Learns from mistakes. He thinks not only about the problem at hand, but also at the more strategic implications. John is methodical and strategic in his thinking and execution. vision and strategic thinking appraisal comments. Strategic thinking is a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving a goal or set of goals. Delegates and assigns work in a manner consistent with departmental workflow and company policy. Make a commitment to improve. . How does your current position affect the overall goals of your company? Focusing too much on positive comments makes employees feel like they have nothing more to improve on. Tims efforts began to pay off over time, and he was able to shift his contributions in senior executive meetings from operational input to strategic input. Effective teams can only be built when team members communicate with each other honestly and clearly. b. He's always been very clear and strategic about the needs of his assignment. =strategic management - involves building and allocating resources both to meet the needs of today and to fulfill the vision of the future.-competencies - characteristics associated with successful performance. June 30, 2022; gym pulley system Higher the sense of awareness, higher the chances of having better . Your approach of embracing change and adapting to changing work situations encourages others to do the same. To get in touch, reach out to [email protected], We safeguard your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Find out how to shape a culture that attracts, engages, Stay positive and respectful. Describe a time when you have cooperated in the planning of a project. I have an impressive strategic vision which allowed for flexible thinking. I am a forward-thinking visionary with an incredible knack for strategizing. John is very strategic in his thinking. He is very strategic in his thinking, yet also very pragmatic when it comes to execution. Self-appraisal is a significant part of your performance review, because it reflects your self-awareness and professional development. What goals have you set for your career? We found our company to be very strong in strategic thinking and leadership. I have one of the most strategic minds you will ever come across. And he's always there to take on the next strategic assignment. Provides an appropriate amount of structure, direction, and feedback to ensure a high level of group performance. e. "You abide by the companys rules and policies. Cause, he has the strategic capacity to see things before anyone else. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. Punctuality is one of the strongest virtues an employee can possess. But with appraisal comments, you can help employees overcome their personal conflicts and contribute to the team. 67. I effectively communicate with all levels of our organization by maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings consistently. 66. John thinks strategically, but is accessible and approachable at all levels. He is always thinking strategically, two or three steps ahead of the pack. He combines strategic thinking with tactical excellence and creative thinking. 2. You always come in on time, follow your schedule and adhere to your designated lunch break time. I have our best interests at heart and it shows in my strategic thinking and recommendations. In other words, about where you would like to be as an organization and how you get there, Dissecting strategic thinking versus strategic planning: Dynamic rather than static; Flexible rather than rigid