You mean, the son of Sisyphus? Youll be back inArgos, taking care of our other daughters. Agamemnon Here, Menelaos. 231. How can you prove that you and I have the same father? It seems Im eagerly preparing for an imaginary wedding! Just answer my question! Chorus Youre a brave girl, Iphigeneia. Klytaimestra And the feast for us women? I swear by my mother, the goddess Thetis, that I shall fight the Greeks to save you! Well! 420, The soldiers talk and they ask questions. See what troubles the gods have thrown at me, the poor wretch? Agamemnon The heir was Peleas. Agamemnon What? You are the cause of it! Chorus Where has the strength of your face gone? Menelaos And you should not be bringing so much trouble to the Greeks! Perseus provides credit for all accepted You just cant imagine Calchas joy, madam! Agamemnon A thought just occurred to me, a thought which might frighten you, Menelaos! Soon youll wake up a happy young man, my son. Iphigenia in Aulis Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2 Its not Menelaos whos in control here, Iphigeneia. Only fools would pray to go down there. Agamemnon Thank goodness youre out here, Ledas daughter. The play was produced in a trilogy that also included The Bacchae and was presented by Euripides' son or nephew. CineMan-8 20 April 1999. 260. Agamemnon We are brothers when we are doing what is reasonable, not when we do what is madness. This work may be freely reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non-commercial purpose. I dont have to do anything he says and I didnt. Where inGreecedoes he live? Achilles They want to stone me to death, Klytaimestra! Agamemnon Pleasure! Im very pleased that you, too, honour the goddess Modesty, Achilles! What a wonderful excuse! There will be no grave. Otherwise why should we bother being just? What a lusty fervour the whole ofGreecehas stirred up for this expedition! Klytaimestra So, my darling will not be put to the sword? Ultimately, Euripides uses Iphigenia at Aulis to argue that the ancient Greek impulse to revere one's lineage or parentage while effectively ignoring the duty one has to one's living, breathing family is one which creates sadness, discord, anger, and even the impulse for revenge. Achilles He was elected, all right, but he didnt say no! Here, friends, take this baby to his father, Agamemnon. The true leader of a city and of an army is not merely brave but intelligent. Achilles I told them that if thats what they thought, then they should not kill my intended wife. Achilles I did but theyre shouting at me, too! Lift your head up for me, darling, smile for me. 290. I feel too humiliated to face you after the lies Ive uttered, after the dreadful way Ive been treated! Achilles Yes, many and theyll be lead by Odysseus! Come, my lord, lets go back inside! If youre wise youll heed them; if not then, have no fear, I know how to settle my own affairs well. Ah, heres your father, go to him, darling! Iphigeneia Pelasgia! Lets think through this together, my lady. Orestes is begging you, too! Some of you stand by at the front of the horses to quieten them. Iphigenia in Aulis Character Analysis | Course Hero Come out here immediately! Klytaimestra Ill certainly try that if thats the last thing I do! Achilles Me, too! 1340. Let our friends here see how happy you make me. However, when he tries to rally the Greeks against the sacrifice, he discovers that the entirety of the Greek soldiers demand that Agamemnon's wishes be carried out. Do you think Im some slave of yours? Klytaimestra Have you made the pre-natal offerings to the goddess yet? A black Fate for all three of us! Youll soon hear it all. Euripides - "Greek Dramas" (p251, 1900): Internet Archive Book Images, Translated by George Theodoridis Copyright 2007, all rights reserved - Bacchicstage. Klytaimestra And he will achieve this by trickery. Old Man No, madam! Old Man So, my lord, why on earth are you wandering about out here, then? What would be the best action for him to take? It is a bitter thing for a father to take, a father who has worked hard but who must send his daughters away away to another household. Here, then, I have suffered the greatest misfortune yet I am ashamed to cry just as I am also ashamed to hold back my tears. Achilles But, dont worry, Ill certainly make it hard for him! We must do what we must do, to please the gods. Called me slave to a wedding bed! The single men have left their houses empty and uncared for and the married ones have left their wives and children behind. Menelaos Brothers must share each others pain. He is afraid of his own soldiers. It was your name, Achilles that has brought us to this misfortune, so protect it now. Orpheus, who could charm even the heartless rocks into following him! Dont become an evil man! You can see it! I dont want anyone to think despicable things about me. What a shocking thing that would be! Iphigenia has arrived in Aulis, and soon the army will be demanding her death. A dreadful sickness! Every one of them is just as unbearable! Ha, ha, ha! 670. Thats what Im afraid of! Chorus Oh, I hope Ill never see the day, nor should my children nor my grand children, should see the day when I suffer the torture that the golden Lydian women will suffer, the wives of those Trojan men, who will be suffering when, years later, working at their looms theyd be talking of this! Klytaimestra Falls down and clasps Achilles knees. The future of our Greek women rests upon my actions. Agamemnon I wish I could, my child! For a slave you have just too much to say! You have chosen logic and good intentions to that of continuing a war against Fate and against Necessity. We cant go on fighting against Necessity! 773. What star could that be, that one, gliding across the sky up there? A garland for my head a garland for my hair some holy water from the sacred basins! I will not have you crying! Famously, they partnered on Seamus Heaney's "The Burial at Thebes" at the Guthrie in fall 2011. Consistently, [1340] Open the tent-door to me, servants, that I may hide myself Clytemnestra Why seek to escape, my child? Iphigenia (1977) - Iphigenia (1977) - User Reviews - IMDb Agamemnon I praise you, Menelaos for these unexpected words, proper words, words truly worthy of you. CLYTEMNESTRA: Now hear me, for my thoughts will I unfold In no obscure and coloured mode of speech. 1260. Id rather live a life full of misery than die a heros death! First Chorus We saw him, racing in full armour upon the shells of the shore, in a contest against a chariot pulled by a team of four horses, a contest out of which he came victorious. My country! Among these the problem of the prologue is as clear-cut as it is controversial.2 It may be summarized as follows: (I) Our text opens abruptly with an anapaestic dialogue between Agamem-non and the Retainer (1-48), instead of the usual monologue in trimeters. Od. Someone has exposed my plans! Iphigenia in Aulis has been added to your Cart . He sends all sorts of winds to sailors: winds to make them happy to lift their sails and plunge into the sea, winds to make them sad because they must furl their sails; and winds that make other sailors crazy because theyre forced to move too slowly. First Chorus Theyre off to bring back Helen, Menelaos wife, whom Paris, the Trojan cowherd, abducted from her home inSparta, a city built by the reed-covered banks of the river, Eurotas. And you can see how I, a woman, have come here to the camp of soldiers, tough men, brave and ready for war and violence. And tell me another thing, Agamemnon: when you return home, when you come back to Argos, will you have the gall to put your arms around any of your children? Pause. 378. The Old Man fearfully pokes his head through the flaps of the tent. Im coming, my lord Im coming! Is being a General the only thing in your head? Agamemnon Here, at the harbour, near our beautiful Greek ships. Can you see this stag, this animal that walks about in the mountains? Word Count: 1230. They might be from the wagon that is bringing the girl here, to the Greek ships. Let the Greeks win, mother, not the barbarians. Open Document. Menelaos Who gave me the right? Klytaimestra Ahhh! Daddy, do you want to kill me? The suitors should all swear a solemn oath, by giving their right hand and by making sacred sacrifices, that each and every one of them would defend the man who won Helens hand in marriage, no matter who that would be and to come to his aid in case someone stole her from their home and thus deprived that man of his legal conjugal bed. Tell me the reason you will give no let me speak on your behalf, because I know what you will say. Miserable, Agamemnon says he has no choice. Hell have the whole army eating out of his hand and then make them kill us and sacrifice the girl anyway! And so, soldiers, take heart and head for your ships because today we must leave behind the deep harbours of Aulis and cross our way through the vast Aegean sea!, And when the animal was thoroughly burned in the flames of the god of fire, Hephaistus, and when the holy rites were completed, Calchas prayed for our safe return. Please dont get angry with me. However, it is considered to be not an authentic part of the original text. Its not my fault she left you for another man, so why should I pay for your mistakes? 660. Iphigeneia Damn all these spears of Menelaos! Klytaimestra You, alone? She leads her mother into the tent and returns to centre stage. By the gods, Agamemnon! We took Iphigeneia to the forest of Zeus daughter, Artemis. 666 words. Looking over the baby. Hear my first attack on you: Youve married me by brutal force and by murder. Iphigenia at Aulis Review I attended Iphigenia in Aulis at the Getty Villa on Thursday, September 21 at 8:00 PM. Look here, father! Iphigenia at Aulis - University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre First Chorus And I saw Gerenian Nestor who came from Pylos. Things that should best be kept away from a brides ear. Its covered with a cloak. The whole army and both the sons of Atreas stood there in silence, their eyes downcast. Old Man Both of you have pitiable fates, my lady! No man is blessed or happy for ever. Iphigeneia Of course. The moment we got there with your daughter all the Greek soldiers gathered around us. Arent you ashamed of yourself? No, dont bury your face inside your cloak! Im not too proud to do so. Achilles No, Iphigeneia! No, you look after everything outside the household and I shall take care of things within it! Achilles Not if Ill have anything to say about it! You win, I cry. Klytaimestra Oh, no, child! My own heart aches more for poor Hellas than for you because Hellas was about to achieve something great against the barbarians when you and your daughter stopped her; and now these insignificant barbarians will be allowed to go free! First Chorus It is wise to be modest because modesty gives you the rare gift of circumspection, the ability to judge what is right, what is your duty; an ability that will give you respect and will remain with you for ever. What do they want to do with you? Achilles Alone? Iphigenia in Aulis - Wikipedia On thy knees I hang, A suppliant wreath, this body, which she bore Chorus Let Agamemnon place a crown upon the head of Greece and let him be crowned in turn! You will be doing so to a man whos loyal and faithful to you. The whole place glitters with the bronze armour of the warriors. Klytaimestra What shall I tell your little sisters? This is something I wont tolerate. Youre the one, after all, who, even though the gods have helped you rid yourself of a bad wife, there you are, still intent on getting her back! Come! Agamemnon Yes. Agamemnon Alone, darling. Hide browse bar Her unexpected arrival has added to my ruin. Directing his question to the chorus. 1110. Menelaos First, look at me in the eye and then Ill tell you! 762. Its a natural thing for men with decent hearts to do the decent thing. Attic tragedies were performed in Athens about the 5th century BC. Klytaimestra You? Daughter of Tyndareus! Clytemnestra It is the goddess' son you see, child, for whom you came here. Pleas or no pleas the result will be the same with me because I have only one thing in mind, now: to save you both from this disaster! You both know the size of the army gathered here. Tears that come about from making our daughter a bride to Achilles. Wagner) / Akira Mori, conductor - Drake Symphony Orchestra / Recorded at Drake University, (date) Show more Show more Gluck. . Whats in your mind, this time, my lord Agamemnon? Chorus And there it was that Dardanos poured the heavenly nectar into the deep golden cups of the gods. First Chorus Joy will come to those who share their marriage bed with the calm of Aphrodites love and not with the frenzy of Eros stinging arrows! The whole of Greece. Agamemnon What you must do is not leave your other daughters alone, back at the house. Help us for that reason and help us, too, because if my daughter is killed on the altar that would be a bad omen for your future marital prospects, an omen you should try and avoid. For use by any theatrical, educational or cinematic organisation, however, including a non-commercial one, permission must be sought. Let that stand for me in place of the children and the marriage I could have had. I I felt a sharp pain cutting into my heart, my lady and I looked down onto the earth. 720. Calchas gave you the answer and you jumped with joy when he told you that the Greeks would be able to sail forTroyonly after you had sacrificed your daughter to Artemis. iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to meemerald sea vessel mcdermott. Iphigenia In Aulis - 666 Words | 123 Help Me Ha! By your chin, Achilles, by your right hand and by your mother, stand by us! It is, in fact, at that time when his friends should be able to rely on him because it is at that time, the time when things are going well with him, that he can help them the most. Up there is my final argument. 691. This way, I hope, my pain will be lessened a little. You have been wronged, madam. i. Trans. Who gave you the right to spy upon my affairs? There is a small oil lamp on the table as well as various writing implements. Chorus Listen to her, Agamemnon! London. It is unjust that your children should die while mine still enjoy the sunlight. 880. She is a loving mother, and when her husband orders to kill their daughter, she bears a deep grudge against hi, and vows to take vengeance . Still, the girl came up close to him and said, Daddy, here I am, ready to do as you say. Not a sound to be heard anywhere, old man! How. All these troubles he has caused! Then Calchas, the priest, took out a sharp sword out of its sheath and placed it in a basket made of gold. Look there! 910. Are you here to add to the mountain of dread I have to endure already? A wise man must keep in his house a good and faithful woman, or else he should never marry! Old Man How can you say such a thing, my lord? Buy used: $6.99. 500. Klytaimestra How can there be a death and not a grave? Euripides died before completing this late masterpiece and it was prepared for its enthusiastically received first performance by his son or nephew. Here she is but Ill do the talking for both of us. Next to these were the Athenian ships -sixty of them, and these were captained by Theseus son. Towards this now, mother turn your thoughts, and with me weigh how well I speak; to me the whole of mighty Hellas looks; on me the passage over the sea depends; on me the sack of Troy; [1380] and in my power it lies to check henceforth barbarian raids on happy Hellas, if ever in the days to come they seek to seize her women, when once they have Youre the son of a god and I am a mere mortal! Brothers fight because of lust and because of greed in their inheritance. Agamemnon And still something is holding back the expedition. Achilles Who? So, calm yourself now, Klytaimestra. Agamemnon Zeus himself gave her to him. The very last thing you do. And, do I not also have the right to make my own prayer to the gods about you? I know hes around here somewhere. You were still the man she loved. Klytaimestra Will anyone come to take her away? Help us because our plight needs your help. Iphigenia In Tauris - Project Gutenberg Helen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, had eloped to Troy with Paris, son of King Priam. And I shall here where the groom is, I shall. Achilles But who are you, madam? Why should you be the only one to offer our child as a victim to the altar? Weve never met before. What shocking news of disaster is this? 610. Once the wise old Tyndareus had convinced them all to take these oaths, he allowed his daughter to choose the suitor she liked and Helen allowed herself to be guided by the sweet, lusty sighs of Aphrodite in her heart. Such is "Iphigenia" (1977), by Greek director Mikhali (Michael) Cacoyannis, based on Euripedes' tragedy, "Iphigenia in Aulis." "Iphigenia" relates the story of an incident that took place just prior to the Trojan War. I cannot stop crying! Achilles, stay! Klytaimestra goes into the tent. Agamemnon Sure, that I can certainly do secretly but theres something else, brother; something I cannot hide. Menelaos is carrying a staff and has nearly finished reading Agamemnons letter which he has torn from the Old Mans hands. My curiosity. I will never permit your husband to perform such treacherous deeds! My death will bring about all this liberation and my good name will live into eternity. Come, tell me, share your story with me. Im leaving for another world! Christoph Willibald Gluck: Overture to "Iphigenia in Aulis" (orch. You, girls! Klytaimestra Did they? First Chorus Oh, Lady, goddess of love, Aphrodite! Which of the gods has stolen you? Menelaos Yes, you may well suffer now because I did break your seal and yes, I do know the secret trickery you were concocting! Old Man Old age! Agamemnon Youll be able to see the sacrifice. It is what a mother must do! Next to him was Nireas, first among the Greeks in beauty. Ive tried all manner of subtle tricks to get my closest friends to agree with me and there, too, Ive failed. A sensible man usually speaks to others with respect. Its good that the children will be spared. And you, you will carry the honour of my deed wherever you go! Happy noises of incoming royal procession, including horses and chariot are heard within, Stage Left. I am here, madam, as I will be in Troy also, to defend with my shield and with my spear my honour as a man and to do my best to glorify the god of war, Ares. She turns and looks sadly around her, then up at the sun. I ask only for a modest share of Aphrodites love; let it be not excessive! Good bye. What about your own soldiers, Achilles, what about your Myrmidons?