It sits on display at the Jackson Hole Museum. 170lbs on the hook last year. Then again, that was more than a century ago. You will also automatically be entered into our Monthly giveaway! After an unsuccessful morning and a brief lunch, Ross, his fianc Kirsty, and best friend Levi headed out from camp for the afternoon. The antlers had been shellacked. A pack of mule deer weighed over 700 pounds and could run like a cheetah. Via recent trail camera images, Simons knew the buck liked to bed in a flat area thats rife with brush and cactus. Let us know what you thought about these Monsters! At the time, it was the largest buck ever taken from . Hunting with guide Derek Taylor from Mossback in 2017, hunter Ryan Peters was after a big buck that he could talk about for years to come. He came to a clearing where he saw two deer, trained his 32 Winchester Special on the larger bucks spine and dropped him. Robby Denning grew up in a mule deer hunting family just outside the small town of Iona, Idaho. The Biggest Mule Deer of 2018 - The KING Company This buck is just that. Missouri Monarch This buck is known as the Missouri Monarch. Share This Story. With 24 points on the right side and 23 on the left, this mystery buck was eventually crowned the second biggest mule deer in the records. Idaho's Greatest Mule Deer, 1st Edition. Ive seen them run about 300 yards and that was with a heavy pack. Wow, great buck! Ive been following Steve and MeatEater for a long time, and Ive already turned the venison into some special dishes, Simons said. It also ranks as the second-largest buck from Wyoming, listed only behind the famed Hoback Buck. This is a giant mule deer. Its a highly intelligent animal, as well as a source of information about the nature of the rabbit. In that moment, the bullet exploded from the barrel, the buck disappeared in a flash, and Ross hunting life changed forever. From the Recordbuck Ranch Facebook page: Jerry has finally received the official score for his monster buck. Write for us- Deer hunting & Hunting Podcast Guest Posts, How to Fix pii email 9ba94c086590853d8247 error code in Microsoft Outlook Techno Fuss. 215. But the judges took x-rays and determined the rack was in good enough shape to qualify. Despite being screwed to a wooden shield and held together by the original hide, the rack made it back to the States in one piece. The Biggest Whitetail and Mule Deer Bucks of 2022 | Field & Stream What is the biggest typical mule deer ever killed? If youre curious, the saga is explained in detail in A Mule Deer Retrospective. The largest non-typical Colorado mule deer on the B&C record books measured 306 7/8 inches, and was taken in Montezuma County in 1972. Your email address will not be published. The boys winched the carcass up to the Jeep and likely had backstraps for supper. What was the biggest mule deer ever killed? Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Spicy Buttermilk Fried Goose Breast Sandwich, Rack Report: Devin Moore's Alberta Monster, ourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. Sept 15th produced the biggest mule deer of my life with much credit to my good friends Neno and Miriam that packed in our . March 3, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, March 1, 2023 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. 1 typical Rocky Mountain mule deer were hunted by Max Johnson with a rifle in San Juan County, Utah, in October of 1968. Antlers are complex and often convoluted structures, which are not easy to compare to one another. Which is why I wouldnt be surprised if the pack of mule deer was very fast with a heavy pack. If you already have an account, simply log in to gain access. He was watching the deer on the hillside when he heard yet more rustling from below in the brush. What a rack that ones got, he wrote in a letter recounting the hunt. 10 Giant Bucks from the 2021-2022 Deer Season Dont Miss:Blacktails: Hunting the Pacific Ghost. & 29? But it does have pretty long beams at 21 7/8 inches (right) and 20 4/8 inches (left). Out of the brush popped a small 3-point. It outscores the Bond buck by an inch. Which begs the question: Why arent more bird hunters using them? With 24 points on the right side and 23 on the left, only a sadist would enjoy scoring this beast. The Expo will be held at the Salt Palace from Feb. 13-16. Upon their arrival back at camp Ross fianc, friends, and family were all in awe of the giant mule deer. FY 2010 - 107,000. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. Ed left camp around 1 p.m. and followed some deer tracks. (Note: Every year in Nevada, approximately 8,000 to 10,000 coyotes and 200 mountain lions are killed from all causes of mortality.) The monster buck scores 258 B&C points and is 34-inches wide with eye-guards over 7-inches long. Perhaps one of the most outstanding trophies ever recorded is the world record non-typical mule deer. This deer was taken by Ed Broder in 1926 near Chip Lake, Alberta. This is a brute. William L. Murphy killed this Kaibab buck on November 14, 1943. Naturally, the folks at Boone and Crockett wrote a prescription for some x-rays and the truth set the rack free. Ive only seen mule deer when Ive had my dogs. If youve ever hunted the rabbit, you know the fear of a mule deer. Well if so you are in the perfect place because we will be showing you what deer was killed, how much it weighed, and where the Monster was killed! Simons noted hes a big fan of MeatEater. Who killed the Mundy buck solved! | Mule Deer Want to know how your buck compares to others from your state? The problem is it cant tell which one you are talking about without talking to multiple people. SCI uses a scoring system similar to the one used by the Boone and Crockett Club. This buck is known as the Missouri Monarch. Light packs are for people who need to carry only one load and have very little gear to keep them busy. These days, with every deer hunter and his brother running trail cameras and able to keep tabs on specific bucks for years, we sometimes hear about 7-1/2, 8-1/2, or even 9-1/2-year-old or older . This is an iconic mule deer, no doubt. Day 1: Mossy Oak Pro Brandon Wicks's Biggest Bull Elk. Soon, I came across a large deer track. This picture and history-packed book is the definitive book on the biggest and best mule deer bucks to ever roam the state of Idaho. What'S The Biggest Deer Killed In Tennessee? - PartyShopMaine It can reach 1,204 pounds and has been introduced in a few countries to differing degrees of success. His tines just look like cigars. The buck currently ranks as a tie for the fifth-largest typical mule deer ever entered. Texas' Biggest Open Range Buck in 100 Years Appearing back in court, Don admitted to selling it to antler collector Don Schaufler for six figures. With a Maine Sealer of Weights witness present, the buck officially tipped the scales at 355 pounds, giving it a live weight of 451 pounds. If your interested in meat hunting call your local game and fish office and they will link you up with somebody who needs an overpopulated deer herd managed. Theres also a question as to where the spread will be measured, which could lead to a 5-inch swing. Not only do they have the largest heads and the biggest antlers, but they have thick muscles, thick horns, and heavy antlers. Visibility is limited so Simons had to get elevated for a better view, which he accomplished by sitting on a 12-foot step ladder in the bed of his pickup. This deer took first place from a 10-point Wisconsin buck, shot by James Jordan. , shape and spread as the yardstick to compare one animal to another. But thats where the fun ends. prairie dog shooter #1632410 08/26/07. Don refused to reveal its whereabouts and spent six days in jail for contempt. (Update: We've learned that in 2013, Matson's aged a wild Louisiana whitetail doe at 22 years.) However Sign in to access your profile, save content and more. I had to make a decision as to whether to go after the moose or the deer, Broder said. Then, Broder had to make a life-altering decision. He grabbed his .30-30 from behind the kitchen door (where else would you keep a .30-30?) Books. In 1965, they all decided to take nothing but trophy bucks that season. Mule deer are loved by many, but hunted by few when compared to the more popular whitetail deer. Accordingly. We thought the typical record has held its own for a long time. He patiently waited until the buck moved enough that he could confirm whether this was a legal buck, and finally, it did. ", Position Statement on Big Game Records and Hunting, North American Model of Wildlife Conservation. The buck has 27 (possibly 28) points. Boyd really wanted a 30-incher and was a little depressed about it all. How can you tell if the buck you killed today is bigger than the one your buddy shot yesterday? They headed north and stopped at 3 a.m., pitching tarps and bags anywhere. Idaho Legend: 267-Inch Trophy Whitetail In an article in the December 1975 Outdoor Life, Doug recalled what happened next. A mature Missouri buck that showcased some serious head gear that totaled up to a staggering 333 7/8 inches, making it the largest scored whitetail ever. Thats the season of the year when bucks are most visible and vulnerable. It was found dead by a firearms deer hunter in . document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) NOMAD Outdoor. Location: Okanagan, British Columbia. I love everything about this photo: the beard, the hockey sweat shirt, the work boots, the intense stareoh yeah, and the buck is pretty sweet too. 212 lbs returned from ennis meats in langley 2006 my first deer and biggest four point. No one, of course, knows exactly how much, but many antler collectors have some estimates. Spend $150 more to qualify for a free Rolling Thunder Turkey Call set! 1. Closing the distance as quickly as he could, Ross arrived just in time for Levi to point off in the distance and whisper, Theres your buck! As the only hunter with a buck tag, Ross would be taking the shot. Number 3Hunsaker Buck. Dewdney was so impressed with the rack that he shipped it to Vienna Austria in 1910 as part of a big game exhibition. He came to a clearing where he saw two deer. The SCI No. A ranch hand found the antlers and brought them into Jackson where they hung in Mike Meeks Saloon. I knew I had to select a rear shot. Mule Deer fanatics will recognize the name J. Lary Barr. You can do that too. The owner of the rack received them from a hunter who only wanted the meat. Numerous record-book mule deer have come out of the area, and this is the largest. Scoreable Points: 22 1/8 Inches (Inside) Mass:. The distance was right, but his position was wrong. It was opening day in Colorado and Ross family and friends were all on hand for the annual hunt. Big Game Information . The second day had Austill back on the ridge tops where he could hear other hunters shouting to one another. He was also able to ring the bell on a heavy mule deer later in the trip. The buck, which was killed near Worm Creek, has certainly been enjoyed by many. It was and still is the greatest mule deer taken in Utah. BIGGEST MULE DEER SHOT IN COLORADO! (compilation) - YouTube The largest deer on the planet is the moose (known as elk in Europe). The deer was officially scored for Boone and Crockett all-time records and the Texas Big Game Awards program on Jan. 11. The buck has 11 scoreable points. (Photograph courtesy of the Boone and Crockett Club) B&C Score. This way, you can even compare bucks from different areas, who were harvested by hunters using different techniques and weapons. With a net B&C score of 292 1/8, it is the biggest open range, native mule deer ever . Although these methods differ from one authority to the next, they allow direct comparisons. Just take a minute and stare at it. The compilation episode of some of the biggest mule deer ever killed on film! First, white-tailed deer have 32 teeth, but they don't have any upper teeth in the front. The mule deer is the largest of the Odocoileus genus, standing, on the average, 40-42 inches (100-110 cm) at the shoulders . Matt Reed tagged his biggest whitetail buck ever on Kentucky's September 3rd archery opener, after eying the buck all summer. Estimated Weight On Hoof: 540-Lbs. While Simons is confident that his buck will top the 16-year-old record, he admitted that the antlers require some interpretive scoring. The palmation makes it difficult to determine where tines originate, and two webbed points off the main beam might not be considered distinct enough. While it may not take a freakish set of antlers to qualify for inclusion in the registries of several other clubs, only about one deer in a million finds its antlers on the Boon and Crocket registry. Really big mule deer antlers seem to take on a life of their own after they die. In fact, Alton Hunsakers non-typical mule deer frequented all three. Mule deer are actually the biggest buck deer ever. While there are several different hunting clubs that maintain a record book of big bucks, the Boone and Crocket Club is North America's oldest wildlife and habitat conservation organization,founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt. ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAT . Thats right, this is a public land buck. A pool hall, a laundromat and a hardware storeall perfectly good places to display a deer head. springpin. Accordingly, some of the registries also recognize a nontypical category, that uses a different set of measuring criteria. Passing on a buck is always a gamble, but sometimes the strategy pays off. In fact, six of the top 20 typical mule deer bucks of all time, and seven of the top . If youre a hunter, youre probably familiar with the fear of a rabbit, too. A mill accident took the other one. The Broder Buck: The World Record Non-Typical Mule Deer 361 6/8 Inches. Mark Kenyon It broke the 50-year record held by the #2 Spot! Where was the biggest mule deer ever killed? - Similarly, whitetail hunters are always keen to harvest a bigger buck than they ever have. At this point he pulled up his riflescope to see the deer for himself, but all he could find was its body; the bucks head was hidden behind a tree. But since were talking about mule deer, I doubt they would run fast with a heavy pack. This deer exceeds all expectations of what a typical blacktail deer should look like. If you know of any bigger bucks, or if you would like to add to this post please comment down below! What Ever Happened to the Remington ACR Rifle? Curiosity eventually got the best of him, though.. Dont Miss:How to Bowhunt for Blacktails. Even better, these records go back for decades in many cases. Thanks to all the oohs and ahhs it produced, he decided to get i taped. Location: Paunsaugunt, Kane County. They tried to stick it out, even smearing mud on their license plate, but in the end, packed up and headed to a new spot. Like non-typical Sitkas? The buck Travis D. Johnson poached in 2017 might have been the second-biggest non-typical deer ever killed in the Lone Star State had it been taken legally. How can you tell if the buck you killed today is bigger than the one your buddy shot yesterday? Finding a good cabin near the lake, we used this instead of putting up our tent. Hunting. Top 10 Biggest Pope and Young Typical Bucks of All Time - Morning Moss In 1995, it went to the Boone & Crockett judges panel for scoring, but there was one minor, but significant problem. At that point, someone contacted a Boone and Crockett Club Official Measurer who taped it out and declared it the largest Nevada mule deer ever. End of hunt. 82. Dewdney was so impressed with the rack that he shipped it to Vienna, Austria, to be displayed at the International Hunting Exhibition in 1910. At 355-2/8, the final score replaced the former Worlds Record by over half as many points, but it was not officially scored until 1960. Guy's TOP 5 Picks for Wyoming Mule Deer 2022 The biggest antler Ive ever seen is about 4 feet tall and weighs over 1,000 pounds. Records arent easy to break. With one shot from his .264 the big boy was down. I fired and the animal dropped; I had broken its spine. Boyd Dennis and Bill Kaylor left California for some Idaho muley hunting and couldnt help but overhear snide comments about Californians coming to town. Then the squirrels sounded a little bigger so he picked up his rifle. Last year's Mule deer! Area two in wyoming. Last day of there season . An incredible number, to be sure, but Ross favorite thing about this deer seems not to be the antlers, but rather the experience of the hunt and those with whom he shared it. The Show-Me State holds some of the top places in the deer hunting record books. A hunter with the head of a bear he killed. This massive deer was taken down by a hunter in Utah in the early nineteen hundreds. Youre never going to shoot a big buck if you always shoot the first buck you see. Utah's Biggest Bucks - 4th Edition Mule Deer Record Book Rocky Mountain mule deer usually weigh 150-200 pounds, though they are sometimes known to weigh upwards of 300 pounds in some cases. I started glassing the Spanish dagger where I saw him last, and then I spotted his antlers. The current Oregon Stake record, this buck was taken in Umatilla County in 1925. biggest mule deer ever killed - Deer Huntings As one of America's most popular game species, it carries a storied history and a promising future. The skull was cracked, which could have disqualified it. What is the largest whitetail deer ever recorded? This is true! This spooked the bucks. Good thing they did. The result was a pretty tough workout hauling out one of the biggest mule deer ever taken by a hunter. A light pack can carry more people than a heavy pack. Even back in the early 1970s, hunters from California got heat from locals. I am sorry if I have a bit of a problem here, but I am not sure if you are able to explain how heavy packs get on the road. That said, Boone and Crockett recognizes it as such and has therefore been grouped in such a manner for this post. No matter the pursuit, sportsmen and sportswomen are always interested in improving their game. Date Killed: 1972. Check outourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. The gross score is the sum of all of these measurements. A mature Missouri buck that showcased some serious head gear that totaled up to a staggering 333 7/8 inches, making it the largest scored whitetail ever. Have you ever wondered how big the Biggest Deer Shot really are? The oldest was from North Carolina and was 19 years old. The skull was awfully small for suck a massive rack. In this post, well showcase some of the biggest whitetail deer on record and offer some background on the record keeping process. So he settled his gun on back of his pack, took careful aim, and eased down on the trigger. FY 2020 - 92,000. 10-28-2010, 07:31 PM. Big Game Records - New Mexico Department of Game & Fish The appearance sent my four buddies into a flurry of conversation. If you want to go down that road, then you should get a big pack and a heavy pack. The antlers stayed on the wall of the family home until 1973 when Don Broder, one of Eds sons, took it to a sportsmans show and then mounted it in his own home. Hunter Bowdy Gardner and guide Jeremy Chamberlain hunted this monster hard for nearly 2 weeks before getting him on the ground during the Paunsaugunt archery hunt last year. Hiring WS to kill coyotes and mountain lions is costly. There is some debate on the classification of blacktail under mule deer. At a sawmill camp, near Chip Lake, we made arrangements to hire a team of horses and a sleigh to haul our gear and equipment. Giant Bucks: A Trio of California Trophies - Game & Fish And honestly, it looks more like a giant non-typical whitetail rack than a Columbia blacktail one. The Roosevelt Elk set the Oregon State Record for Archery with a score of 392 3/8 an incredible score for this species! As you probably saw in the video, the rabbit is a particularly good target and a great source of information for hunters. Kansas Top 20 Deer Records / Deer / Big Game Information / Hunting respectively. Kirk gets a 212-class mount. More bird hunting, less big game. - 24hourcampfire Cloaking yourself in NOMAD high performance hunting apparel, Shop All Nomad Whitetail Deer Hunting Clothes. Most of them have done so for much longer. Utah's Biggest Mule Deer | Utah Wildlife Forum Your email address will not be published. Location: Chip Lake, Alberta. The buck was also the state record for mule deer taken in the velvet in the state of Wyoming. In the end, the earnings were split between all siblings. 190. My biggest mule deer ever. Kirk Payne had a heart attack, and his doctor told him specifically not to go hunting. It's official: Nevada bowhunter Frank Cheeney now holds the world record for largest typical mule deer ever taken with a bow.