At the very least, as a thoughtful species, we can most certainly begin to question and ponder the use of clearly aversive equipment such as electric, choke, and prong collars. Initially I was not crazy about this, especially since our previous trainer was purely positive and I thought thatd be best, but her reasoning made sense to me since it was clear our dogs did not care about the treats in our hands when they saw something they wanted more. Consider the woman about whom Mary wrote who chose to leave her choke collar at the veterinary clinic after her dog suffered from a prolapsed eye. I decided to share my story because so many people have not. I can see how someone would see it as dangerous or harmful. Whoopee! She is slowly getting used to our house and noises but has a very difficult time with walks (shes afraid of everything car, people, loud sounds). Its structured like a martingale collar, where the bulk of the collar is tightened by a cinching chain which attaches to your leash. No one ever claimed it so it became our shop dog and because I opened and closed the shop regularly I was the one in charge of walking him. The dogs hear the rattle of the prong collar and get so excited for their walks! I have tried several different collars and leads to stop him from pulling. prong Great, checked that off the list. Many civilized countries have outlawed prong collars, recognizing the harm they can do! Have a read of how to train your dog to walk loose leash. When my German Shepherd was very young she had a lot of behavior issues and I was worried she would grow up to become an aggressive dog. Consult with Virginia from Olivers Travels dog training. Hi Lesa, I appreciate your feedback and the fact youve never needed to use a prong is great. Discussion] Prong Collars, they're I know Id be doing it for everyones safety, including theirs, and not as a way to punish my dog. For my willful, hard-headed, inattentive Doberman yearling, thats definitely a prong collar for training sessions now. from his dog trainer) and immediately she ceased the pulling. Prong collars do NOT cause pain. Thank you for this article! It's always good to remember that a dogs neck is delicate and can be injured by violent jerks on a neck collar and even, presumably, by sustained hard pulling. Many trainers advise against these types of collars altogether, in part because the risk of injury to dogs is significant. For their part, humans will be well rewarded for time spent helping their dog understand the how and why of leashes with many happy miles of walking together as a team. We have been trying positive reinforcement with him but he goes over threshold quickly if were out on a hike. If you were told you had the option to teach a child how to read by physically punishing them for every word they said incorrectly (option A) or by working incrementally and rewarding the words they got correct (option B), and that you could achieve the same results no matter which way you taught the child, which would you choose? After class the instructor told me that she would bring a collar to the next class that should help with him and asked that I come a little early so she could show me how to use it. Stay strong and be confident in knowing you are doing everything right! I have used every kind of collar for the pups Ive fostered and adopted. I would think they would still work as long as you have the collar up high on the neck. Excellent post!! Shadow was a big big dog, who loved everyone and everything. It in fact dates the police academys training techniques back to the 1990s, along with their computer systems and their approach to the law is that something you really wish to stand with?, The My dog loves his prong, and gets all excited when he sees it is simple classical conditioning, such that your dog recognises that means training or walkies, that doesnt mean that they feel positive about the experience when the prong tightens around their neck., I mean, I can train your dog to see a lemon and think its the best thing in the world it doesnt mean theyll like the taste of lemon.. The warning said that they should be banned and included a photo of a dog with several lacerations on its neck, allegedly caused by a I walk him 4-6 miles a day, am in obedience & he generally does really well. We decide when they eat, what they eat, when and with whom they play and also decide when, where, and for how long dogs get to be outside each day and, perhaps more subtly, by imposing the physical constraints of collars and leashes, which guide the speed and direction of a dogs movements. I love him to bits and am looking forward to enjoying our walks from now on. Not all prong collars are created equal, the cheap versions can have sharp points and break. I would also suggest finding a good behaviorist trainer in your area that can help you one on one. About 30% of the time he will heel/sit/stay with the choke collar but there is no real control without constant pulling on him. Many trainers suggest using a carabiner to connect the prong to the collar. A few thoughts first, you need to not care what other people think. I am at the end of my rope, so to speak. I used to be someone who thought the prong collar was evil and harmful.. until I met a former LEO K-9 trainer who taught ME how to use one, properly, on a GSD. He was a bully breed mutt and 100 +lbs. So as I did my research as a new dog mom, I see all the ominous warnings of the pinch collar. Technically yes. This also could be possible. (We are in the process of training him to be a therapy dog to take to local nursing homes/schools etc)He thinks everyone is his friend and wants to play. Ive also used the gentle leader and it helped somewhat but she walked much slower and really hated it always trying to rub it off her face, which created a whole new set of issues. She is passionate about helping puppy parents get things right, right from the start. Her eyes arent red after a walk and she doesnt pant constantly walking now. Collars A smart, quick, and gentle tug as he came at me, playfully, but vigorously and painfully, biting and scratching, caused him to halt and look at my face, asking me what I need from him, wanting to interact and please. Were embarking on our first walk tomorrow!! Prong collars I did training and watched several videos regarding the use of the collar and in less than 2 week the lunging was OVER. Chest harnesses that clip in the front are a better choice for hard-pulling dogs because dogs generally dislike the sensation of being pulled to one side. Dog Keeping laws for Germany Many years ago, I had our dog and a foster dog go after another dog when it was icy out and I went flying down on my butt. It does not lend them any credibility. Prong Collars P.s. Do the ends really justify the means? Training is a life long learning experience, for dogs and humans! :/ (Thank you for posting that video!). WebProng collars are legal in most states, but there are some places where they are banned or regulated. I signed up for obedience classes at a well known and reputable training center in our area and they recommended and explained prong collars to us. But are prong collars cruel? I have a 60kg male rottweiler who got spooked by a kid on a scooter on one of our walks he lunged at the kid out of fear, one correction to my dog he snapped out of it place perfectly back into a heel position, I believe if I had a flat collar or a harness on that kid could well have a huge missing chunk out of his arm, thanks to the prong collar I was able to control my rottie and potentially saved that kids life and my dogs too. But according to a new study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior, there is no credible scientific evidence to justify electronic collar use and the use of spray collars or electronic fences for dogs.. Collars I bought a Herm Spengler for my 3 year old 100lb. I follow Jeff Bellman and Skype with him occasionally and love his transparency & honesty about the training tools he uses. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Herm Sprenger HS Ultra Chrome Metal Prong Dog Training Collar 162.25mm New Nice at the best online prices at eBay! So, out comes my trusty prong collar. WebHidden Prong Collars. Sincerely Brian Kelly. In one session she was working roundabout his dog with no issues. It was a lifesaver for me and he was a true angel to walk with it. He was really a wonderful dog that I wouldnt have enjoyed with out that collar. We decided to try a prong collar and WOW what a difference it made! Prong Collar You lost me at suggesting a prong collar for a reactive dog! The links and ads are a way for me to cover my expenses. So, the reason he has to be carried into the house is that he wont move when he has a leash on. This is an awesome example of how great of a tool the prong collar can be under the right training. But I dont want to be cruel, OR injure him. The rescues and shelters are full of dogs that were not trained properly by their owners and so were abandoned. I have had 0 success teaching dogs to walk correctly using a harness. Have you read the other comments here? _____. Thank you so much for sharing your story! The pulling can be very tiring and tiresome. Thank you for sharing your story Gemma. Hannah, Thank you so much for your message. Mark Furner, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities, said the government is delivering on its election commitment to review the Humanely training your dog as with children should be a personal choice not one dictated by supposed do gooders and government policies Thanks for your free download I look forward to reading it and sharing! She lived to be 17 yrs and 4 months, still hiked up until the last 4 months of her life. The e-collar is not banned in Scotland The Scottish ministers rejected the proposal as their independent reports found insufficient evidence. At first, yes once you take the collar off, he will pull. So I would not recommend the prong in your scenario. The bans on them are sad as so many people jump on the band wagon without fully knowing the full story. Of course I do not know this dog. "), There are few quick fixes with dog training. She quickly realized she wasnt a dog person and wanted to rehome her. As we were completing this essay, Mary told me the following story that horrified me. More sophisticated behavior modification and management technology that is without any violence has been widely disseminated. The pair review the recent Norwegian breeding bans on English Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Marylands newly-passed prohibition on feline declaw surgery, and other recent legal changes in animal law. I bought a new prong collar suggested by person at HS site. The prong is simply a tool as if to tap the dogs shoulder to get her attention. collar For small dogs you can get the 2.25 mm. Doing so exposes your dog to an inordinate amount of danger, damage and risks that just are not worth talking about. The prong collar controversy is real! Her constant coughing and choking has completely gone away. The dog doesnt know what behavior to offer. Its especially discouraging because most articles Im reading argue against prong collars. Have you witnessed a dog pulled so hard on a flat collar that it chokes it self to the point of gagging? And be consistent. No more shoulder injuries for me. Note: I just received an interesting email asking if it's possible that some dogs hold grudges against their guardians and trainers who mistreat them with aversive collars and "other abusive training techniques." Our campus officially banned prong collars on January 24, 2017. They say it should redirect them, and that worked for a little while, but not well enough, apparently, since she figure out that she could push through it anyway. Best thing ever and very very safe when used correctly! We are both currently undergoing some intensive training with a professional who recommended this collar and so far has been the only tool that has allowed me to correct his behaviours, even on the first session we were able to be within a few feet of another dog with no reaction and for me and for him has literally been a life saver. I went on vacation and decided to send him to dog training school to try to correct some of his bad behaviors and the trainer brought him back and showed me how to use the prong collar. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. The prong collar is a tool to train leash manners. With the gentlest reminder, and no indication that she had felt anything at all, my dog turned straight back to me, looking happy and ready to take notice of me. Tail a waggin. I do believe the prong collar has saved many dogs lives. I dont recommend keeping it on 24/7. Ziv, Gal. She was like a different dog! Meaning, they are walking well with no correction needed. What theyre made to do, and what theyre not made to do.. haha. It hasnt had any negative impact on his love or desire to go on walks. That means that you have failed in training your dog and have taken a shortcut instead of learning to understand and work with your dog., I mean zookeepers train tigers. PRONG You can purchases extra links if you have an extra large dog (just make sure to get the right mm size for the collar you have). Prong Collar I love hearing all the success stories. I say moderately, because he still pulled and lunged somewhat. Another asked if perhaps dogs, because they read human faces, including angry faces, very well, might get a "bad feeling" from their human when they choose to use something that causes them pain. Nothing worked until I found this site and started using a prong collar. Prong Hes the sweet dog I knew him to be. Rainalo I recommend reading collar He likes them, just not enough to be bribed by them. Id love to hear about your success stories on using the prong collar. Psychology Today, June 22, 2018. Do you think these changes are happening quickly enough in the US? I despise using harnesses because I find they ALWAYS encourage pulling. How do you know what size collar to purchase ? The only barbaric thing here Lora, is the human mind. Hes large for the breed. If it works to stop a behaviour, it must be because the animal found it aversive (if they liked it or didnt notice it, it wouldnt reduce the frequency of the behaviour).". Remove the prong collar entirely. When she looked down, her dog's eye had prolapsed. Every walk we took Bear was pulling me so hard no matter what I tried and sadly, I was seriously considering returning him to the shelter. Misuse covers : poor or Thank You!!! Sometimes it is NOT the owner, but the dog that needs this collar. I dont have to pull on her constantly to keep her in heel. Just remember, the collar doesnt train the dog, its a tool to train your training will train your dog. ), she completely changed. Loved this post! Great article!! Prong collars are still legal in the US, but are highly And trust me, my dog knows how to communicate if he doesn't like something. Immediately the two dogs got ready to lunge at one another. These collars can also injure the salivary glands and salivary lymph nodes on the side of the face underneath both ears. If you decide you want to try a prong collar with your dog, make sure your purchase the Herm Sprenger brand (this is the exact one I have). Toronto (Canada) attempted a ban on prong and choke collars, and it passed, but was then turned over within the next month. Teacup puppies are incredibly trendy, because of their small size and cuteness. That would be my goal. It does not work by causing pain when used properly. Is it normal to have a few inches of chain that dont have the prongs, and does that work as well? Leash pulling is certainly one of the most frequent points of contention between human and dog, and it may be one reason that many dogs dont get walked: It can become a real headache for someone to try to walk a dog who constantly tugs and pulls and strains. So glad you both can walk together and be happy! I switched him to a prong (Herm Sprenger 2.25mm) and his behavior improved immediately. This post may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link. A dog has to have the following floor space available: We rescued our pit-lab mix as a puppy and underwent training with him for eight weeks, then again when he was a year old and even had the trainer come to our home to work on specific issues. And although I knew they were just barking and pulling because they wanted to investigate and make friends, staffies barks tend to be quite scary, which Im sure intimidate my neighbors. Science Shows Positive Reward-Based Dog Training is Best. But that is true for a flat collar, letting the dog choke itself by pulling so hard the owner cant control him. There are other ways to train a puppy to walk nicely on a leash. That is so scary. A prong collar is a device that has good and bad points to it, but as well go into later, its ripe for misuse. Hi Beverly, Yes you can use a prong collar on a short face dog. And not to mention all that pulling also affects me stresses my joints and feet, strains my wrists, has caused me to slip and fall in icy or muddy conditions, and makes me dread walking these problem dogs. So far, only a handful of countries have moved to ban shock collars. This will then tighten around the dogs neck while he is hanging and obviously suffocate him to death (I am sure that you do not wish this upon your family pet).