It gives so many descriptors of their lost condition in Rev. Turning from and forsaking all of ones sins and losing ones life isn't a workit is part of believing in Christ and being converted. 10:21), and he would not. There are many very solid Biblical reasons why not to listen to Casting Crown music, without even considering their associations. 3) and Spencer should not be defending his evils and heresies, like he does at time 14:00 in the video. . Spencer says, the reason why the fundamentalist wont use Casting Crowns is because Casting Crowns is holding hands with Hillsong and Elevation worship and they are modernists, so we wont even touch you. That is certainly not a scriptural reason why not to use Casting Crown. Although Spencer does put out some good warnings on error and false teachers, etc, my conscience in light of Gods Word says I must warn of him for a number of important reasons. There is no way that the Bible can can fit into the wineskin that is fundamentalism. This is actually a summarized version of these individuals, having left out most references to save volume (but have readily available). He does not denounce error as commanded in Scripture which is excessively dangerous. 3:3). 1:9 for example) which automatically extends to preaching the gospel to every creature (Lk. Listen to his preaching and youll understand why he is not someone anyone should be listening to. 24:44-48; Mk. Not even close. 17:11; 1 Th. I'd come across his videos when looking up stuff about enneagrams because I didn't feel right about the whole thing. 25:26). His YouTube channel is how he makes his living. 16:17), yet Spencer endorses and promotes him. ), He is very set in his ways being the only way that things should be done. No. Hes a big fan of Spurgeon so he is a little more nice toward reformed folk. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. elder, bishop, overseer) or deacon for that matter (Likewise must the deacons 1 Tim. Is that chastening language? God spews them out of His mouth. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. Really? says the LORD. (Jer. STOP IFB CHURCH ABUSE on Twitter: "Missionary Spencer Smith mocks the # His video actually broke down the things that I didn't feel comfortable with and why. They were legit fundamentalists and stayed separated from error. (time 15:30). If you are in the southern Louisville area we cordially invite you to our traditional services where you will hear solid Bible preaching and God-honoring, conservative, traditional music. I mean a lot. Spencer Smith may refer to: . Many false professors in the bible believed (Jn. I remembered he said he didnt think all reformed people are damned so thats good. People that corrupt the gospel and compromise and wont speak the truth and embrace error and worldliness, have no leg to stand on when it comes to evidence of salvation. 1:6-9 and 2 Cor. So just the opposite is true. Digital Expert Zone; Our Services; About Us; Get In Touch; Shop; josh mcdaniels' brother. Actually undermining what scripture says about men like Zacharias, which is that he is a clear heretic (Ti. 2:19). Lukewarm is not referring to a saved person, but someone who is most likely never to be saved. In this sermon he gives a brief synopsis of his own salvation, I fell on my knees and prayed and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart and I was born again and then goes on to explain what happened, God changed him from the inside out (time 18:00). It doesnt separate from heretics such as Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, Larry Brown, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Rick Flanders, John R Rice, Curtis Hutson, Mike Sullivant, Bob Gray Sr., Sword of the Lord men, etc. ASIAN YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW VOLUME 18 2012 FOUNDATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ASIA HANDONG INTERNATIONAL LAW SCHOOL Kevin YL Tan - 978-90-04-37973-2 Do The position of pastor (I.e. Its extremely man-centred, with the expectation of unquestioning loyalty to the man of God behind the pulpit. He has good content most of the time but Id be careful with him and closely examine his teaching in light of scripture as we should be doing with anyone claiming to be a teacher of Gods word. His go-to sermon is excessively heretical, Blowing the Whistle on Wolves which ironically contains exaltation of wolves such as Curtis Hutson and Clarence Sexton, etc, and lots and lots about the bigness of big churches and big men, including himself (even though he is a little man in stature), how many hundreds were saved here and there and how he was running thousands in his church and so was so and so, etc. Sure, Scott Pilgrim himself (Michael Cera) is an . ). 24:48). Roberts destroyed all of that, and the churches to boot. ). 1:6-9. In a recent prayer letter: There have been thousands saved, hundreds graduated from our college, and dozens of churches started. Secondly, although every person is called to preach, not every person can be a pastor. They reduced unity and fellowship to the fundamentals. Evan Roberts. 11:4). He saw something volitional as works. I mean I don't agree with every point spencer makes, but things like Vaccine Passports to just get into a grocery store that they've been talking about seems eerily similar to what the Mark is going to do. Fundamentalism is a movement that responded to theological liberalism in the early twentieth century. In much of fundamentalism, pragmatism is the norm, with the end justifying the means. 2:1), but Spencer Smith does, as does Reg Kelly (he preached in Kellys church back in May 2010 and Dec 2011; Brown actually preached this same sermon at one of those times). This man takes on the bull of false gospel by its horns, armed with a Bible and some wits. A serious lie. 11:12-15) and the false teacher (2 Pet. Very man-centred and unscriptural. Rom. Scroggie believed in the seriously unbiblical continuationism or anti-cessationism and openly embraced ecumenicalism. Demonic bondage. 11:28-32). 5. While Jesus is the only way to Christ; it's very dangerous to publicly claim that he is the unerring authority on all subjects. Not really even close and the credence he is giving people really isnt reality either. 1:5), who are responsible to confirm prayerfully and practically all the qualifications are met (Tit. Its man-centred and it reflects what Im saying here, about an anemic, even corrupted gospel. Third Adam (1) - Missionary Spencer Smith - One News Page VIDEO Not only that, he was a positive preacher. Supported the gap theory. Because it is believe and receive, Jn. 3:16-17). How Envy Causes Racial Conflict - The Unz Review Posted on June 11, 2022 by . Fundamentalism isn't in the Bible. He says if you do any of these things to the pastor, God will take care of you like He did Korah. (f) In spite of the ravening wolf Jack Hyles horrible perversion of the gospel and endless false teachings, Rice was close friends with him and even hosted soul winning conferences together with him. 2:11-13 Matt. This may well explain why he doesnt separate from Casting Crowns because of their music, but only because of their associations (Bethel/Hillsong). What about who Jesus is (Phil 2:10-11)? -National Chengchi University Institutional Repository(NCCUR 3:1-7 a man, husband, his, he) that is married (husband of one wife . Fundamentalism is known for its compromise in areas of denominational differences, heresy, false gospel, cheap and carnal soul winning tactics, baptism, false teachers, etc. 4:1) and that he was clearly of another spirit (2 Col 11:4). 4. r/Reformed exists to be a place where reformed believers, in a broader understanding of the term, can come together, unified by a clear Gospel witness, to exhort one another, spur one another on intellectually in reformed theology, and discuss doctrine. No one should be promoting Larry Brown, who is a false teacher propagating a lot of errors and damnable heresies (2 Pet. False or unfounded accusations are INCREDIBLY rare in general - under 10% according to the FBI. He is not a Bible preacher, but an entertainer. We dont ask Jesus to come into our heart; we repent and we believe. I mean I don't agree with every point spencer makes, but things like Vaccine Passports to just get into a grocery store that they've been talking about seems eerily similar to what Mark is going to do. Tony Hutson is a cheap entertainment-orientated showman, can speak many stories but not a lot of actual Bible preaching. No one should have anything to do with this heretic (e.g. missionary spencer smith critique. first long distance phone call 1915. And Jesus made it difficult for the rich young ruler to be saved (Mk. Demonic bondage. Just. (book recommended in his amazon store account). Go figure. Is. The church we attended in Australia was pastored by a man from the same area as Spencer and we were very close to him and his family (to this day). If someone says that they love God and they know Him but dont actually obey Him, they are liars and the truth is not in them (1 Jn. Its about as terrible as it gets, to the point of nauseating. 24:44-48; Mk. barry mcguigan, daughter funeral; missionary spencer smith critique Spencer says, Ive seen five year olds get saved. I bet he has. . Feb 24. 9. I have written up a report on this sermon which is much longer than this brief summary, revealing how terribly unscriptural and heretical it really is. No wonder he could say this without supporting it with scripture. 21:21, 24) EVER ceased to preach repentance. missionary spencer smith critique In these videos you will note the unrepentant embracement and friendship between Sexton and these two wolves in sheeps clothing, even preaching in their church (First Baptist of Hammond). Today it doesn't even separate over a different gospel. It is impossible to stay in fundamentalism and still be faithful to the Bible. Whether its being preached in truth or not is the difference between life and death, Heaven and Hell. We invite you to browse our site and trust it will be a blessing to you. She is a dangerous author and false teacher, and no one that understands and loves Gods Word should give her any attention. He would make statements that appeared Biblically right, but then contradict himself completely. He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. what was bolivar's ultimate goal? Pointing to the pastor of the church he is preaching in, he belches, if that man preaches a Bible we are going to stay with the man of God and keep our mouths off of him [this part is screamed]. Larry Brown is a heretic who embraces other heretics and wolves in sheeps clothing including Jack Hyles & Schaap. ). 16:17-18; Eph. 5:5; 8:31-39)? Listen to Missionary Spencer Smith. This is what is required (and more) to obey the gospel (v. 16), but the context tell us that Israel as a nation has never received Gods stretched out hands, for they are a disobedient and gainsaying people. (v. 21). Its wishful thinking. best lebron james cards to invest in; navage canadian tire; is festive ground turkey good. 2:9-16). at the Disco would be one of the best examples of a band "selling out." This term generally refers to a band that undergoes changes to their sound in order to appeal to a larger audience and make more money. "Unbelief" is Only a Characteristic of Unsaved People, Not the Saved. All those words describe only lost people in Scripture, and there is a lot of scripture that reflect that. Press J to jump to the feed. It says separate only over the fundamentals of the faith, which is completely contrary to Scripture. I am of the mind that no spiritual gift can be taught simply because a gift is, by definition, free to the recipient. Spencer Smith: The Man Who Boldly Calls Out Chaff From Grain 1:9-16) and accursed of God (Gal 1:6-9). 16:17-18). The other men in the Spencer list included Bob Jones Sr., J Grechem Machen, Billy Sunday, Spurgeon, Lester Roloff and Ian Paisley. Missionary Spencer Smith is building his doctrine on man's wisdom and This is completely and entirely unscriptural and he should know that. Pointing to the pastor of the church he is preaching in, he belches, if that man preaches a Bible we are going to stay with the man of God and keep our mouths off of him [this part is screamed]. He also undermines the importance of Bible study, not understanding balance. IFB people are fans of Spurgeons quotes. In one of his videos he claims Elvis Presley was a Christian. 9:28). A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". Where? How someone interprets this church of Rev. 7 and 8 into Keswick theology. Its not for a lack of believing that prevents people from being converted (oh no, the world is full of believers); but sinners refusal to repent because of their wilful rebellion against God and His Authority (Jn 3:19-21; Lk. Rice the great revivalist icon of IB fundamentalism, was a big leader in the Old Boys Club and heretic for a lot of reasons. Doesnt understand Kent Hovinds apostate state, or wont be clean about it, which is heresy either way. I have written up a report on this sermon which is much longer than this brief summary, revealing how terribly unscriptural and heretical it really is. He says The Laodicean church was very very weak. Maybe Spencer does that, but its not true for most of fundamentalism. This has been addressed several times, and he refuses to answer any questions about it. 4:23-24)? He would be a carnal and lukewarm Christian up until that point. Negativity is a trait of the Holy Spirit. So who then can fill the office of pastor? Everything that Spencer describes in the video that changed the culture, that changed people from being drunkards and thieves and villains and filthy, happened PRIOR to Evan Roberts coming on the scene (which was 1904) and it happened because of the real Welsh Revival. 1:1-4; Gal. PDF Church Youth Graduation Speech Pdf Dj Chuang [PDF] Wow!! He was as responsible as any fundamentalist leader for changing the definition of repentance to an unbiblical one. Clarence Sexton, Temple Baptist Church and Crown College. Thats if he is actually righteous. One can't be a fundamentalist and obey the Bible, and obeying the Bible is more important than being a non-scriptural title or even idea. what happens if you get a violation on interlock. The Psychedelic History of Mormonism Jakub Jahl In June 2022, Rolling Stone magazine published an article about a new phenomenon among ex-Mormons.1 A large number of them have become interested in psychedelics and magic mushrooms or other psychoactive substances.2 This may seem strange given the traditional view that Mormons do not smoke, drink, or use drugs, but data is emerging that suggests . I Th. He's a fundamental Southern Baptist whose ministry seems more a witch hunt than the Gospel. There is a few CCM songs they sing on his account, including How Deep the Fathers Love for Us, written by the heretic Stuart Townend (charismatic in theology and practice, supporting such heresies as spirit slaying, holy laughter, and gibberish tongues, and participating in the radically ecumenical heretical Alpha program with strong ties to Catholicism). The call upon the name of Lord is predicated on true repentance and saving faith (Lk. Clarence Sexton, Temple Baptist Church and Crown College. . And truly saved people WILL want to do that. Brown and his cronies are way above admonishment and correction, their pedestal is somewhere in the third heaven. He is very brave to be so compromised. missionary spencer smith critique This page will discuss contemporary theological issues. Disclaimer: I am not reformed, I'm part of the CMA. 3:15-16; Mk. shabu shabu groupon. Spiritual Sounding Board-Julie Smith-SGM survivors; Stop Baptist Predators; Toxic Faith; Trinity Foundation-Church Fraud; Under Much Grace/Hephzibah House Exposed; Watchman Fellowship; Wellspring Retreat; Wicked Shepherds/Reformed Baptist, etc; Zalkin Law Firm-CA, NY-Sexual Abuse I guess God mustve forgotten to put that in His Word. I am so glad that the popular American Christian journal, Christianity Today, has finally opened up the debate concerning whether it is proper to replace filial words with more 'dynamically equivalent' words for Muslim readers in new translations of the New Testament for the Muslim world.The article entitled: 'The Son and the Crescent', written by Collin Hansen, can be found at: http . . There is a video on him preaching The Gospel, by that title. 1:11; 2 Tim. Lost Gentiles arent primarily in unbelief, they are in disobedience (2 Th. What about surrender (Lk. He is referring to the unscriptural and heretical Keswick theology/revivalism, which actually gave birth to Pentecostalism. 3:11; Jam. The ecumenicalism between modernists and evangelicals didnt start with music as he claims, it started actually with doctrine and friendships and repudiation of separation back in 1950s when neo-evangelicalism was started by heretics. Although Im sure influenced by the Lord, that desire, as you read in these passages, comes from the man himself. Yes sir, IB fundamentalist pragmatism at its finest. 17:11 and even demanded it: 1 Cor. I currently serve as the Director of Lighthouse Baptist Missions. 5. These are all markers of second blessing and Keswick/ revivalism/ higher life/ victorious life, etc, theology used to describe people that are allegedly saved but indistinguishable from the world. having his children). I am a Christian, family man, preacher, missionary, and film maker. _ ' Hy hndeey a. He lives in Kentucky, does not work a public job, collects support from churches for missions, and does a two week trip yearly to Kenya. Is God helping us so we can have what we want or are we servants of Him? In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith ( he is embracing fundamentalism which is an error filed movement, and then there are his categories and lines, that arent really that clear cut in reality. These things reveal that Roberts gave heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (1 Tim. He saw something volitional as works. Is that how God loves His children, who are inseparable from His love (Rom. Evan Roberts not only put a stop to the real Welsh Revival, but was an enemy to it and destroyed it, and along with that, destroyed Welsh Baptist churches and Welsh Christianity as a whole. 1:6-9) and has no discernment as to who a true believer is and who a false one is. He corrupts and distorts practically every single passage of Scripture he mentions (granted, its not many since guys like this do not expository preach out of the Bible but tell stories). Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. All these things are heresy. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith he uses unbelief to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. So called fundamentalists today are practically the same as evangelicals which are practically the same as modernists. missionary spencer smith critique - I strongly disagree with him on a number of points. 14:23-24). All? have shown as low as 2%. The truth is quite the opposite to what is being said in the video. Most are actually not saved at all, thus disobedient. Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions Being A Comparison 2:12-13), which starts at salvation: 2 Cor. This is the carnal and salesmanship showmanship of many IB churches, but he doesnt speak against it. 3 speaks volumes as to what they believe and teach on sanctification and, to a lesser degree, salvation. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. . A righteous man falling down before the wicked is as a troubled fountain, and a corrupt spring. (Pr. It is unscriptural what he says about this enigmatic calling to be a pastor or missionary. I've seen one video where he said he's, "Not in that camp (Reformed)," but he didn't speak negatively about it in any sense. Its very bad and it floods majority of evangelical and Baptist churches today. 1:8; 2:10-12; 3:2; 2 Pet. What about the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the shedding of His blood for our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4)? Some of his book-length list of heresies and damnable heresies include seeking after and promoting a second baptism of the Holy Spirit and the second blessing of sanctification; communing with the dead; claiming there is no need for the Bible just follow the spirit leading (which on its own tells us what spirit was leading Roberts); seeking after and claiming experiences with the audible voice of God; preaching a seriously perverted gospel; rejecting God's Word; higher life mysticism in communing with evil spirits and Throne life prayer; believed and taught he had authority to bind Satan and co-work with God in the last defeat of Satan and all his hosts, and indeed affirmed he had bound Satan and had entered into the sufferings of the Saviour/High Priest and thus obtained a position from which he could intercede continually for Christs servants and witnesses who were exposed to deception (can you say blasphemy!! This sermon is the epitome of man-centredness and man-worship and ear-bleeding. In this passage Pauls struggle is said to be the record of past conflicts and defeats experienced as a renewed man under law.) His teaching led to the idea that at the point of salvation someone received Jesus, and at some later point, Jesus became Lord (which happened when he was "dedicated or received the second blessing).