Essex Information about. the service is performing badly and we've taken enforcement action against the provider of the service. PROPERTY HUNTERS ARE PLEASED TO OFFER A DOUBLE ROOM IN CHINGFORD 650. help decide whether you qualify for help and how much, if anything, you should pay, help identify and support people who are at risk of becoming homeless, help identify families who may benefit from the Troubled Families Programme. We will use the information to make you liable (if appropriate) for Council Tax at your address. Town Hall High Road Ilford IG1 1DD Tel: 020 8554 5000 The Redbridge press office deals with all media enquiries to the Council. This will send details of 'Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion Services', to your mobile phone using our SMS service. Redbridge - Housing 0300 300 1799, 94 Manford Way Best way to get in touch How to contact Drop-in or phone. Head Office. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and Successful applicants will be contacted for interview which are scheduled for 21 st and 22 nd March. London Borough of Redbridge Housing Advice Centre Lynton House, 255-259 0208708. Rainham Read More We will only see customers with an immediate emergency. Redbridge - Contact the pensions team Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Essex; Save Job Send . Contacting the Council (Redbridge) Contacting the Council (Redbridge) For details on and how to access Council services please go straight to the Contact Us page on the Redbridge website.. You can call our customer service advisors on 020 8554 5000 who will be able to help you with your enquiry or direct you to where you can access more information. Apply today! Chigwell For complaints or compliments, please go to Complaints or Compliments, Find out more about how to make a Subject Access Request, ensure the efficient co-ordination and fair allocation of school places in accordance with the School Admissions Code and local Fair Access Protocol, to register your child to sit the 11+ selection test, populate our education database which runs our admissions and transfers allocation system, name, date of birth and gender of the child, address where the child ordinarily lives at the time of application, which will be used for distance calculation purposes, reasons for appealing against the refusal of a school, supplementary information, if required by individual school admission policies, additional certification if applying for a faith school on denominational grounds, whether the child has a statement of educational need or EHC Plan, whether the parent works for the school requested, whether the child has been permanently excluded from their last provision, whether the child has attended school in England before, additional information as required under our Fair Access Protocol, education providers to advise them of upcoming admissions, other local authorities, to enable neighbouring LAs to run their co-ordinated offer scheme accurately, OAA schools to enable them to administer their admissions accurately, department for Education to comply with statutory data collections, other teams within the LA to verify the information provided so that the admission process can be accurately administered, identified selective school where an 11+ selection test will be taken, if not a Redbridge grammar school, the Schools Adjudicator in response to any complaints made, the Local Government Ombudsman who has a remit for investigating maladministration in respect of school admissions and appeal. Single room for rent in in Redbridge, London | Residential Property To Lynton House 259 High Rd, Ilford IG1 1NY . Search results from Redbridge FiND. The accuracy of your information is important to us to be able to provide relevant services more quickly. Redbridge FiND | Listings in Problems at school For general enquiries please email. Office and shop equipment, General traders, department and retail stores, Precious stoneworking, watchmaking and jewellery, Textile, clothing, leather and shoemaking machinery and equipment, Packaging machinery, equipment and services. If you have agreed above that we can give information about the progress of your claim to your landlord, we can tell them where your claim is up to if they ask. This is called a Subject Access Request'. This will send details of 'Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Redbridge', to your mobile phone using our SMS service. 020 8708 7477, Manford Way The information is taken from open sources. The Redbridge Safeguarding Children Partnership (RSCP) has a small dedicated Team, which includes a Business Manager, Training Manager and Senior Admin Officer. Your name. We will contact you within 48 hours. We use the information in order to administer our Council Tax Reduction scheme under S13A and Schedule 1a of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and associated Regulations. We understand this is a difficult time for everyone and hugely appreciate your patience and understanding as we prioritise helping our more vulnerable customers. By law we must give out some information if we are asked - for example by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or HM Revenue & Customs. help people living in a Council or Housing Association property and who will be affected by the Benefit Cap and/or Under Occupation in the Social sector (by telling another part of the Council or your landlord, they will be able to advise you what you should do next and provide you with any assistance they can). . North East London NHS Foundation Trust - Hospitals and clinics Contact us - Citizens Advice Redbridge The website for Lynton House is Redbridge PCT, 255-259 High Road Redbridge FiND | Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion Services Telecommunications equipment, Optical, photographic and cinematographic equipment, Environmental services, renewable energies, Technical offices and engineering consultancies, architects, Hospitality, tourism, hotel and catering industries, Postal services, telecommunications, radio and television, Mining, quarrying and stoneworking plant and equipment, Paper and board making plant and equipment, Printing equipment. Similar Companies Nearby. Lynton House (Redbridge Council. The information you provide to us on your application, including any supporting papers will be used to: In order to effectively and efficiently process 11+ registration applications, applications for admissions to schools and school admission appeals the following information is collected: Agencies we will share the information with: We retain your information for five years if you are refused a school place and one year if you are offered your first preference school. Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Redbridge IG3 8XJ Found email listings include: m*** Why this number ? Phone/Fax: 020 8479 3020. Add a business Log in . Your message. 255-259 High Road, Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) Decision notice Contact Information . Lynton House High Road ILFORD Essex IG1 1NF. Great links to . You can call us between 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We may use the information held to assist in the recovery of Housing Benefit Overpayments. Reviews; . In the meantime, if you change your address or email address, or if any of your circumstances change or any of the other information we hold is inaccurate or out of date, please email us [email protected] or write to us at: London Borough of RedbridgeHousing and Council Tax Reduction SectionRevenues, Benefits and Transactional CentrePO Box 1354, Lynton House255-259 High RoadIlford IG1 1NN. Redbridge Education Department at Lynton House, High Road, Ilford Croydon, London. Please see the relevant section of theCorporate Privacy Notice. Lynton House 255-259 High Road Ilford IG1 1NY. 1 Cranbrook Road These picturesque twin coastal villages on the rugged Exmoor coastline. LISTCOMPANIES.CO.UK 2023 - All rights reserved. Connect with us-Follow us on social media and keep up to date with the latest news and events: TwitterFacebookYoutubeInstagramLinkedIn. Search for locations by name or enter a postcode to centre the map on a particular address. Company number 04313826. The social worker gathers any information available about the child/family concerned from their colleagues in the multi-agency team. You can still contact us via our online contact formand we will get back to you with the support you need. . Redbridge - Housing Home Housing Housing Report a Council housing repair Housing advice and options Support if you are homeless, facing eviction or rough sleeping. The purpose of the Code is to ensure that all school places for maintained schools (excluding maintained special schools) and Academies are allocated and offered in an open and fair way and in accordance with the published admission arrangements for the school. 020 8708 2622 (Children's Centre) Find contact details for London Borough of Redbridge Housing Advice Centre in Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 1NY. After 10.30 you can email Building Controlalternatively our customer services advisor will take your details and the nature of your query and pass this over to the Building Control team. Redbridge - Contact us 0844 600 1154, Station Road Ilford Essex IG1 1NY. Lynton House 255-259, 255-259 High Road
Find out more about how to make a Subject Access Request. . 0300 555 1180, Grove Road IG8 7HQ We will be compliant with the School Admissions Code, which has the force of law. Your information helps us decide when, where and what to inspect. Redbridge Education Department, Education Services In ILFORD - Scoot Contact Email. If you are a private tenant, we usually have to give the Valuation Office Agency Rent Service details about your home and rent. Lynton House 255 - 259 High Road Ilford IG1 1NY Press office The Redbridge press office deals with all media enquiries to the Council. Show map. Telephone 020 8708 3124 or 020 8708 3159 E-mail [email protected] Where to go Address Lynton House 255-259 High Road Ilford Postcode IG1 1NY View IG1 1NY on a map Get. The social worker recommends what further action should be taken. 0300 555 1182, 1st floor, Broadway Chambers Mellmead House. London Borough of Redbridge Admissions, Awards & ComplaintsLynton House255-259 High RoadIlford, EssexIG1 1NN, Email: [email protected]: 020 8708 3121. 0300 300 1693, Back to top of page A Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) is a centre which brings together agencies (and their information) in order to identify risks to children at the earliest possible point and respond with the most effective interventions. Company list with the executives and contact details, SIC (GB 2007) :
Contact Us For further support call us on 020 8708 4002 or 020 8708 4003. Our website has an accessibility tool called 'Recite Me' which allows you to change the language, font size and style and magnify our website content. there are some services which we cant rate, while some might be under appeal from the provider. Lynton House is located on the eastern side of Tavistock Square in the heart of Bloomsbury. Behaviour and Inclusion | Redbridge. Textiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, Jewellery. Woodford Green All bills included. Location: Lynton House, 255-259 High Road, Essex Save Job Send To A Friend Education Welfare Officer x2 33,351 - 34,341 pro rata per annum 1 x Permanent Full Time 36hrs pw, Term Time Only (43 weeks) 1 x Fixed Term up to 31.07.23, Part Time 21.6hrs pw, Term Time Only (43 weeks) About Redbridge PLEASE REPLY WITH YOUR CONTACT NUMBER FOR QUICK RESPONSE TO YOUR ENQUIRY Property is close to all amenities and public transport.