0000039812 00000 n 0000068517 00000 n 0000007247 00000 n 0000058561 00000 n 0000002134 00000 n What is the net work done by your heat engine? The PASCO TD-8572 Heat Engine/Gas Law Apparatus is used to obtain the data. 5 0 obj 0000048993 00000 n These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The efficiency, of an engine (for diatomic gas) can be calculated using. A thermodynamic cycle specifically known as the Ericsson cycle consists of the following processes: (1) Isothermal: Constant low . The engine you are to experiment is a real heat engine that can be taken through a four stage expansion and compression cycle to do useful mechanical work by lifting small masses (apples). reports. 0000079976 00000 n 0000062305 00000 n 0000002561 00000 n $.' engine that can be taken through a four-stage expansion and compression cycle 0000075067 00000 n Our principle objec-tive in this experiment is to understand and experimentally validate concepts such as pressure, force, work done, energy, thermal e ciency and mechanical e ciency. Carnot is really high (100%) but this engine has 21% of efficiency which is small each "n out of 36" macrostate, the probability of observing this 0000078925 00000 n Our STEM education experts offer a wide variety of free webinars. ln, where kB is the Boltzmann constant. 0000059446 00000 n 0000069571 00000 n It has two air tubes leading from the cylinder: one going to a pressure sensor (which is measured using the Lab Pro) and the other leading to an air reservoir (aluminum can) that we will immerse in water to change the temperature of the air in the system. The manufacturer recommends that this mass does not exceed 200 grams; we will use a 100-gram slotted mass. entirely concentrated into a Sir Nestor Bareza for the supervision and lecturer in this experiment. 0000052349 00000 n 2004, [3] www.cas.miamioh.edu/~yarrisjm/S02laslab2.pdf, BS Applied Physics Used to measure the effectiveness of our marketing ads and campaigns. air chamber is moved back into the ice water? microstate for the "15 red squares" macrostate are shown on the right. This is a real 4-step heat engine that has expansion and compression processes in which the engine will do useful mechanical work by lifting a 100-gram mass (and the piston) from one height to another. Which macrostate(s) would have the highest number of microstates? %PDF-1.4 % 0000045624 00000 n 0000078012 00000 n 0000015711 00000 n endobj Relate the terms isothermal, isochoric, isobaric and adiabatic to various thermodynamic processes, and how to move your thermodynamic system through these processes. The Innovative SPARK LXi2Next Generation Datalogging. Collect pressure, volume and temperature data for three of these processes. Heat cannot be taken in at a certain temperature with no other change (c) Assume you have two boxes and you have to 0000044376 00000 n 0000064727 00000 n 0000051812 00000 n 0000001788 00000 n We can state the second law of thermodynamics in various ways. spread of the distribution increases a N. For 36 square, the 0000072974 00000 n 2369 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 2376 /H [ 2554 945 ] /L 614470 /E 143105 /N 22 /T 566970 >> endobj xref 2369 51 0000000016 00000 n >\anrq[j1'm^&g&F3] (u'N+9Zps>0pKW9Y;'86^BJs"d'vh]8of[|~"a$K% x- [ 0}y)7ta>jT7@t`q2&6ZL?_yxg)zLU*uSkSeO4?c. R -25 S>Vd`rn~Y&+`;A4 A9 =-tl`;~p Gp| [`L` "AYA+Cb(R, *T2B- Lab_report_CMT348_1322748 - slideshare.net 0000080337 00000 n The 200 g mass is removed from the platform. 0000056873 00000 n 2. change of the entropy of a system? Explain. 0000009395 00000 n For a breakdown of features, capabilities, and additional options, see our Interface Comparison Guide . The experiment measures the air and fuel intake for a range of electric loads. where Th and Tc are the temperatures of the heat and cold reservoirs. 0000006622 00000 n Make sure you completed the entire lab and answered all parts. 0000020488 00000 n 0000012796 00000 n Our expectations are that this effective work will be reasonably close to the area of your P-V diagrampreviously calculated. 0000026896 00000 n 0000039533 00000 n 0000028447 00000 n 0000048145 00000 n 0000067237 00000 n isothermic and adiabatic processes and it isnt the case here. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form. Let us measure S in 0000041662 00000 n air chamber is moved from the cold into the hot water? What, do you think, determines, the rate of PDF HEAT ENGINE/ GAS LAW APPARATUS - fisica.uc.cl 0000075316 00000 n %%EOF 0000035404 00000 n 0000049153 00000 n 0000066023 00000 n 0000022561 00000 n 0000017339 00000 n to another. The temperature rises and the gas expands. Heat Engine Projects redrok com. 0000108578 00000 n which is equal to the mechanical work done on the mass. heat engine lab - 500 Words | Studymode 0000030003 00000 n FEAAqPB)M(G5 0000019754 00000 n Applies the laws of thermodynamics into this experiment. Use the first law of thermodynamics to account for the change in internal energy in each of these processes. 0000016564 00000 n PDF AREN 2110: Heat Engine Experiment Problem Equipment Required In this experiment, you will examine some . PDF Lab Heat engine - rucsm.org 0000027446 00000 n Used to distinguish users for Google Analytics, Used to throttle request rate of Google Analytics. These cookies do not store any personal information. 0000000961 00000 n 0000081772 00000 n In which situation described below is the entropy 0000049714 00000 n This experiment features the following sensors and equipment. volume and therefore the height of the piston increase. HS]hP>I5iX0hpvO*VMv[-v`W"@0I+!|;=\ 0 %Y h@\3I:2##1&P*|E>a9M}U,&t.I*#p'j%m>SD`0.zIh] NiXFMih% Vl\]RN[I'hX&Z'qZ/.Ad28O[u 0000053662 00000 n 7-MSudBUK&i"E2 0000036916 00000 n Without the object on the platform, there will be a decrease in pressure. 0000039219 00000 n Then while maintaining the stage A, the test object with a mass 100-200 kg was placed on the platform for the stage B. 0000026619 00000 n 0000062837 00000 n For example, in thermal power plants, they generate electricity by converting potential energy gathered from fossil or nuclear fuels into thermal energy which is in turn converted into mechanical energy used to drive electric generator. Both Open a Microsoft Word document to keep a log of your experimental procedures Heat Engine Experimental Report - College of Engineering Coursework 0000059015 00000 n The flat top of the handle of the piston serves as a platform for lifting masses. 0000065795 00000 n 0000019152 00000 n 0000007505 00000 n (e) Consider approximately 1024 gas molecules 0000028905 00000 n The equipment which will be used in this lab is: the PASCO Gas Law Apparatus, a ring stand, an ice-waterbath, a hot water bath, a stainless-steel temperature probe, a gas-pressure sensor,LabPro interface, a 100 gram mass, and various tube couplings. In this exercise you will analyze data obtained with is a "real" thermal There is also be a temperature probe connected to the interface to record the temperature of each water bath. After doing all the stages, the volume was computed by adding the volume of cylinder and air chamber can. the mass is placed on the platform? DATA TABLE 4-1. 0000065209 00000 n The change in piston height is measured by the attached string over the Rotary Motion Sensor pulley. 0000074862 00000 n 95 104. Used to track consent and privacy settings related to HubSpot. Reversed Heat Engines Rotational Kinetic Energy Second Law and Engines Thermodynamics and Engines Torque and Angular Acceleration Fields in Physics Alternating Currents Capacitor Charge Magnetic Fields Magnetic Flux and Magnetic Flux Linkage Parallel Plate Capacitor Planetary Orbits Fluids Absolute Pressure and Gauge Pressure To calculate the work performed by the heat engine. a small number of molecules that are spread nearly evenly throughout the `2 " R0 8 @PSw6@-9 T@/+q66g 8[4[8 (b) Consider the following macrostates of the class. stream temperature decreases and the gas contracts. 597 0 obj <>stream 8')AbTFd9$9_\. reports. n3kGz=[==B0FX'+tG,}/Hh8mW2p[AiAN#8$X?AKHI{!7. Since temperature and volume are directly proportional to each other, the volume will also increase. 0000079381 00000 n 'H oW2Et;sWmsS;)&!Sdw 0000025239 00000 n 0000076194 00000 n You toss a coin and place it into box 1 0000056385 00000 n The pressure as a function of volume is recorded DOC Experiment: Heat Engines The purpose of your lab is to analyze a heat engine, to determine the heat absorbs, heat released and the work performed during one cycle. It is useful to represent this schematically as in Figure 2.1. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Save your Word document (your name_lab3.docx), go to Canvas, Assignments, Lab 0000077339 00000 n Ging 5. *Zfeb!P&J{2D6 2,80,a \DzC"ezr[w!60]mwMiYU_ g@ You must first calculate the total volume of air in the system that. 0000063481 00000 n No this is not a Carnot engine because the Carnot engines PV diagram consists of two document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. macrostates in the system we find that the probability is. Convert your log into a lab report. The objective of this report is to identify and analyse the processes in each component, record data such as pressure and temperature at different locations as well as studying the refrigerant's phases (thermodynamic states) (Figure 2) to construct the refrigeration cycle on a real pressure enthalpy chart provided by SOLVAY. 0000047112 00000 n Make This process is known as an isothermal expansion so named because the data were collected slowly enough that the temperature of the gas in the system remained constant. These pistons move because of pressure and heat. 0000000647 00000 n The cylinder of the incredible mass-lifter engine is a low-friction glass syringe. <> You keep tossing 0000012363 00000 n The goal of this laboratory experiment was to observe an actual model for steam power and evaluate how the heat engine performs and the requirements that are needed in order for the heat engine to extract heat from a hot source and reject heat to a cold sink in order to produce a work output. 0000052959 00000 n Heat Engine-report - answers to lab report - StuDocu The graphite piston fits snugly into a precision-ground Pyrex cylinder so that 0000015163 00000 n 00 Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. 0000001375 00000 n Heat Treatment Labby. 0000001852 00000 n Expected y-intercept=Pexp=0 and (P 0 -2 , P 0 +2 = (27016, 39936) %PDF-1.4 % A heat engine is a device that extracts energy from its environment in the form of heat and does work. 0000056187 00000 n wG xR^[ochg`>b$*~ :Eb~,m,-,Y*6X[F=3Y~d tizf6~`{v.Ng#{}}jc1X6fm;'_9 r:8q:O:8uJqnv=MmR 4 Helps WooCommerce determine when cart contents/data changes. 0000047592 00000 n 0000011614 00000 n cylinder above its starting position (in units of m) as a function of timeand to produce plots of pressure versus volume and position versus time. work done during a cycle. The computer is set up to record the pressure with respect to some reference The change in volume is calculated by multiplying the change in piston height by the piston cross-sectional area. 0000002350 00000 n 0000067737 00000 n probability of observing any particular pattern is 1/236 = You will then . 0000006567 00000 n 0000044094 00000 n Lab Report Heat Engine | PDF | Heat | Temperature Amanda Le Experiment 1: Determining the Heat of Vaporization of a Volatile Liquid September 21, 2022 Procedure To begin this experiment of finding the heat of vaporization of an unknown substance, a beaker with room temperature water was obtained while another beaker with water was heated on a hot plate. Newton's Law of Cooling and the Specific Heat of a Metal Specimen, Specific Heat and the Law of Heat Exchange, Heat Transfer and Thermometric Properties, What is the interior volume of air in themetal canister in m, What is the interior volume of air in thetubing in m. What is the total volume that air can occupy in the metal canister and tubing during the experiment? a hot object, if it is allowed by Newton's laws? Sm5sc,>;ZpuxI\ 0000050770 00000 n Many different 0000046183 00000 n 0000050925 00000 n The Caliper is your source for ideas and inspiration for inclusion, engagement, and excellence in STEM. Use the ideal gas law to determine the amount of gas present in the system at each point in the cycle. 0000067385 00000 n Placing the air chamber in the hot bath will make the temperature of air inside the can to increase. i.e. )\6/Uqd/Q` I How can we convert some disordered energy 0000007945 00000 n DOCX Academic Staff Websites Directory | EMU Academic Staff Directory One stroke of piston is define as 0000018099 00000 n stops. _3j}f4M4sI)*M%Q)-$DR^U?\Xl5- In this experiment, the ideal gas law involves the relationship between pressure, temperature (Kelvin), volume and the number of moles in the gas. 0000082677 00000 n After you have practiced running the cycle several times - the canister transfers, reading the probe values for temperature and pressure, the height at the base of the piston (mm), and carefullyadding/removing the 100-gram massfrom the top of the piston - you are ready to record the values for a complete cycle. 0000020078 00000 n xref concentrated within a If the pressure is kept constant (isobaric), the temperature will be allowed to change. Table W4. 0000008559 00000 n the parallelogram by multiplying its width by its height.) The actual efficiency is determined for a heat engine that lifts a weight as heat is added to the gas. 0000069907 00000 n MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IC ENGINE LAB EXPERIMENT NUMBER : 1(A) AIM:-To study the cut model of an I.C engine and observe various parts of an I.C engine. 0000078688 00000 n you are only interested in how many squares are blue. The engine starts with an empty platform and the Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Find the change in potential energy mgy of the mass (in units of J), 0000010938 00000 n To the laboratory assistant who gave us the laboratory materials. Pressure, volume, and temperature data. 0000015969 00000 n mass is placed on the platform. When the energy is concentrated in 0000073464 00000 n Thus, there is an observable decrease in height of the piston from state D to A. Since pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other, as pressure increases, the volume decreases. <<01D5FBB49136714B85BF02B3A1B9F06E>]/Prev 446360>> considering? 865 17 pressure at constant temperature, and the volume and therefore the height of 0000009236 00000 n Heat Engine-report - answers to lab report, Part I: Boyles Law Learn more about our new name. 0000042835 00000 n W.H. Ericsson cycle describes the cyclical operation of an ideal heat engine. trailer relationship between probability and entropy for the macrostates we are (a) The air chamber is placed into ice water. Session or 2 weeks (if user clicks remember me), Used by WordPress to indicate that a user is signed into the website, Session or 2 weeks if user chose to remember login, Used by WordPress to securely store account details, Used by WordPress to check if the browser accepts cookies. Each square holds exactly one coin. Calculate the actual efficiency of your heat engine by using the change in PE as the effective work done and the heat added found in your previous answer. 0000025407 00000 n HyTSwoc [5laQIBHADED2mtFOE.c}088GNg9w '0 Jb The mass is removed, and the air chamber is returned to the cold bath, closing the isobaric/isothermal cycle. Any work done by the system during a transition can be found as the area of the graph bounded by the x-axis (volume axis) andthat process' graph. 0000020778 00000 n You determined the height y for the power stroke in the previous activity. trailer of the molecules. fDSEj_Ev}Gs^ay]*l4.1{-'V 0000030572 00000 n spread evenly among all of the 0000040689 00000 n Based on your P-V diagram, are you going to use the values for the preparation stage of the experiment or the last values of P, V, and T when the piston returned to the ice-water bath at the end of the cycle as your values for point "A"? Remember to move as quickly as possible after each step stabilizes. Heat Engines Lab Report October 2019 PDF Bookmark Download This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. (d) Now assume that you have a 6 by 6 array of where N is the number of gas particles, k is the Boltzmann constant which is equal to 1.381 J/K and T is the temperature. 0000061951 00000 n You have every student in attendance sign a list. 0000012579 00000 n 0000024328 00000 n 0000023233 00000 n 0000027940 00000 n 0000082295 00000 n Measure the efficiency of a real heat engine and compare it to the efficiency of an ideal heat engine. Heat Engines - Vernier squares. PDF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING IC ENGINE LAB - JIS College 0000061554 00000 n h If the temperature is kept constant (isothermal), the pressure will be allowed to change. Experiment A simple heat engine You . Entropy can decrease locally (in a subsystem). 0000060005 00000 n Heat Engine-report - answers to lab report - Date: Physics 210L Heat Engine Experimental procedure: - Studocu On Studocu you find all the lecture notes, summaries and study guides you need to pass your exams with better grades. 0000075564 00000 n )>> /F 71 0 R >> endobj 2374 0 obj << /I << /Title (\001)>> /F 41 0 R >> endobj 2375 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /RoleMap 111 0 R /ClassMap 114 0 R /K 1826 0 R /ParentTree 2278 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 22 >> endobj 2418 0 obj << /S 860 /L 1037 /C 1053 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 2419 0 R >> stream changing their orientation. 0000011591 00000 n 0000079577 00000 n Determine using, linear regression the slope along with its error. %%EOF the system produces almost friction-free motion and negligible leakage. 0000032418 00000 n The objective of the heat engine experiment is to comprehend the working principles of the heat engines, to plot the P-V diagram for the cycle experienced by the heat engine and to evaluate the work done by the heat engine. 0000073674 00000 n 0000024667 00000 n 0000076632 00000 n - Collect pressure, volume and temperature data for three for a thermodynamic process. 0000056672 00000 n 0000046401 00000 n The equations used are valid only if the working substance of an engine is assumed to be an ideal gas. 0000031528 00000 n Thermodynamic and mechanical work done by the gas. Heat Engine Report - The Heat Engine Abstract An experiment - StuDocu whole must not yet have reached a state of maximum entropy. spread out among a large place it into box 2 without changing its orientation. See the grading scheme for all lab An experiment was with a heat engine to understand the thermodynamic processes in the different parts of a heat engine cycle. Heat Engine Cycles Experiment - EX-5530 - Products | PASCO 0000055680 00000 n 0000071420 00000 n 0000080947 00000 n cycle of the heat engine obtained by calculating the area enclosed by one cycle on a p -V diagram. endstream endobj 866 0 obj<>/Metadata 41 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 40 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 43 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20051118103231)/PageLabels 38 0 R>> endobj 867 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 868 0 obj<> endobj 869 0 obj<> endobj 870 0 obj[/ICCBased 877 0 R] endobj 871 0 obj<> endobj 872 0 obj<> endobj 873 0 obj<> endobj 874 0 obj<>stream Why does heat, of itself, not flow from a cold to Experiment 4 Heat of Reaction Total Points: 40 Student's Name: Maddi Haase Lab Section: 508 REPORT Your report should include the following: Data Tables 4-1 and 4-2 Example calculations Answers to questions NOTE: You must show your work for all calculations; no work, no credit. endobj 0000002597 00000 n JQP3yB$J#%. 0000038348 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Our products support state requirements for NGSS, AP, and more. Thermodynamic process per transition. W = jPjVj. 0000064070 00000 n After gathering the data in each state, the thermodynamic and mechanical work was calculated. What about conservation of energy? When the piston undergoes transitions in which one or more of the system's properties (P, V, or T) change, the data can bepotted on a P-V diagram. 0000069171 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000072696 00000 n (a) Assume 50 students registered for a course. 0000024935 00000 n This completes one cycle. has been lifted, i.e. 0000075643 00000 n This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. click here. Describe some possible macrostates of the gas in 0000043654 00000 n startxref 0_%ouxCV~CO EP`9Vm#q2j0r)_VfP'=O4$/aUG.SM;YM{=m/ 0000058817 00000 n 0000063831 00000 n -@': 0000070863 00000 n 0000057034 00000 n endobj 0000001418 00000 n 0000034908 00000 n If you examined the pressure-volume behavior of a gas, you would have performed one of the thermodynamic processes involved in the cycle found in the operation of a heat engine. The change in volume will directly change the height of the piston. 304 294 Get free experiments, innovative lab ideas, product announcements, software updates, upcoming events, and grant resources. A diagram of the four steps is shown below: When your experimental data has been plotted on a P-V diagram, it will hopefully ressemble the diagram below where there is a close agreement betweenthe state variablesfor Point A (P, V, T) and the values for the cycle's initial preparation conditions. 0000075865 00000 n Determining the net thermodynamic work done in a heat engine cycle and observing the relationship between the mechanical and thermodynamic work done during a cycle are the objectives of the experiment. 0000004034 00000 n The weight of the mass increases the PDF Experiment 5b The Heat Engine 1 Purpose 2 Introduction To explore the phases of the heat engine. 0000016404 00000 n Problem Statement: purpose and importance of experiments 0000073181 00000 n We recommend the following option(s). A thermodynamic cycle specifically known as the Ericsson cycle consists of the following processes: (1) Isothermal: Constant low temperature; (2) Isobaric: Constant high pressure; (3) Isothermal: Constant high temperature; (4) isobaric: Constant low pressure. Objective: In this studio session you will analyze the performance of a simple heat engines and review the various ways to state the second law of thermodynamics. The heart of this apparatus is a nearly friction-free piston-cylinder system. The most probable macrostates have the highest entropy. And for the last stage, the test object was just removed from stage C. For all these stages, the pressure, temperature and height was measure simultaneously. This product requires PASCO software for data collection and analysis. The change in pressure is measured with a Low Pressure Sensor. May 4. Free chemical reaction Essays and Papers 123HelpMe. air chamber in ice water. For the entropy of a subsystem to decrease, the system as a Is the heat engine we are dealing with a Carnot engine? the height of the piston decrease. National Institute of Physics 16.6% from 18, then it is not very likely to occur. 0000013882 00000 n AREN 2110: Heat Engine Experiment Problem You will be using the piston/cylinder to investig ate the work output of a heat engine. 0000042539 00000 n (c) The air chamber is placed The computer has produced the plots shown below, Determine the enclosed area on your P-V diagram. See the grading scheme for all lab 0000017527 00000 n 0000040098 00000 n Since pressure and volume are inversely proportional to each other, there will be an increase in volume so the height will also increase which was observed from C to D. Inversely, there will be a decrease in height if there is an increase in pressure which happened from state A to B. If we examine the probabilities for all of the The total entropy of a closed system is always increasing. Find an international dealer. Apply for funding or professional recognition. ExWtg(REr2 1i\ma\Gkjij`9yi"?h=y{i%qJhbDe2f0K/!_w1d{LYZ,`b`W@[-0lQ6PV38B4+,4A '.\CiO-J- PhysicsLAB: A Sample Heat Engine 0000060290 00000 n The temperature, at the states where it should be the same, is not constant so is the pressure. are 236 = 6.87*1010 possible patterns and the These measurements are used to compute the engine efficiency over a series of loads. nQt}MA0alSx k&^>0|>_',G! 0000010193 00000 n Sample Measurement from the Capstone software showing four mulit-coordinate tools to 0000010353 00000 n If you have N squares 0000066374 00000 n 304 0 obj <> endobj Karl Andersen. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. 0000040378 00000 n back into ordered energy? enclosed area on the PV diagram. <> spread approximately plus or minus 6, the percentage spreads is 0000028198 00000 n 0000048402 00000 n 0000055193 00000 n 0000038716 00000 n 0000001710 00000 n sure you. Kat 3. A divider which can conduct heat, for example a rubber diaphragm, 0000053436 00000 n The Heat Engine/Gas Law Apparatus is designed with two pressure ports with trailer << /Size 2420 /Info 2363 0 R /Root 2370 0 R /Prev 566958 /ID[<72a8ce4870f3636bd4e68de56ec42362>] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 2370 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 2366 0 R /Metadata 2364 0 R /Threads 2371 0 R /OpenAction [ 2376 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone /PageLabels 2362 0 R /StructTreeRoot 2375 0 R /PieceInfo << /MarkedPDF << /LastModified (D:20040201123013)>> >> /LastModified (D:20040201123013) /MarkInfo << /Marked true /LetterspaceFlags 0 >> >> endobj 2371 0 obj [ 2372 0 R 2373 0 R 2374 0 R ] endobj 2372 0 obj << /I << /Title (Warnings:)>> /F 5 0 R >> endobj 2373 0 obj << /I << /Title (\376\377\000C\000o\000m\000m\000e\000n\000t\000:\000\240\000 \000\240\000\ \000N\000o\000t\000e\000 \000t\000h\000a\000t\000 \000t\000h\000e\000 \000\ i\000n\000c\000r\000e\000d\000i\000b\000l\000e\000 \000m\000a\000s\000s\000\ \036\000l\000i\000f\000t\000i\000n\000g\000 \000e\000n\000g\000i\000n\000\ e\000 \000i\000s\000 \000a\000c\000t\000u\000a\000l\000l\000y\000 \000n\000\ o\000t\000 \000s\000o\000 \000s\000i\000m\000p\000l\000e\000.