Another problem that comes with the monsters is the number of normal summons they add to your deck. amzn_assoc_linkid = "8080b9592497380738d02a3f9fb9dfe0"; Hyozanryu[/ygocard];30286199]You play a floodgate, which usually solves any problems with the matchup, or you just exhaust them. Was this a fluke and are Shaddolls really the deck to beat or is there something more at play that contributed to them not being able to finish the job? At this point, the only outs to this lock in the Shaddoll Mirror are either setting Shaddoll Dragon to bounce Master Key Beetle, or a trap card like Compulsory Evacuation Device. This website is not produced by, endorsed by, supported by, or affiliated with 4k Media or Konami Digital Entertainment. DRAGMA SHADDOLLS 2020 *SEARCH SUPER POLY* | Master Rule 5 30,146 views Apr 10, 2020 595 Dislike Share Lithium2300 70.9K subscribers Invoked Dragma Shaddolls deck profile and COMBOS! Lastly, "El Shaddoll Fusion" has some similar timings to the two Trap cards as well. The only real downside to Dragon is that he doesnt advance your game plan in the way that Beast or Falco does. Makes your opponent pay taxes in LP for each time they attempt to activate a card or effect. svana design phone number. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart";
French Yes, Spells that perform Fusion Summons count as sending to GY by card effect, so Shaddoll effects will trigger. Because of this, you would usually rather trigger a different graveyard effect and Hedgehog ends up being the last Shaddoll in deck and is pretty useless once you have resolved a Fusion. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Report Content | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. First off I'd like to congratulate Patrick Hoban for winning YCS Toronto using his variation of Shaddolls! I think the best build of Shaddolls, even if it hasnt been discovered yet, will be able to effectively fix this. The vast majority of them only contribute to the aforementioned normal summon problem or are inconsistent in accomplishing the decks goals such as White Dragon. The Insanity of YCS Sydney: TCG DABL Metagame Report. Crow doesnt work on effects that have activated already. The only unfair thing about the deck was Super Poly and that was taken care of. It's not actually part of the effect itself, so if the card you discarded was a Shaddoll, it would not trigger its 'sent to GY' effect. Think about that. The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! Archetypal hand trap to protect your Despia monsters from targeting effects, also allows your Fusion monsters to dodge your opponent's targeting effects while it's in the GY. Since all main deck Shaddolls are dark, you should have easy access to at least one monster to banish. D.D. Yet, they do know that Shaddolls have terrible matchups with some lower tier decks like Monarchs, Tribute Fiends, Fire Kings, Spellbooks, and all other decks that does not rely heavily on their extra deck. Since using "Shaddoll Fusion" or "El Shaddoll Fusion" involves sending "Shaddoll" monsters to the Graveyard by a card effect, their effects can be activated as soon as one attempts to Fusion Summon them, creating even more advantage. Press J to jump to the feed. With Allure, your overall hand size doesn't change, but you get to cycle through your deck, keep what you need, and exile what you don't. Mathematician is relatively easy to run over, while Shaddoll Beast leaves your opponent with only Spell/Trap destruction to deal with Emptiness. That event and my testing since them have lead me to compile a list of problems that typical Shaddoll build has. In short: D.D. To compensate for this disadvantage, he wields higher . Shaddolls version of that is something like Arcanite + Dweller. Cyberstorm Access Premiere! If you can survive long enough against a Shaddoll deck, theyll eventually run out of Shaddoll monsters and this actually happens pretty quickly. As the archetype is primarily comprised of DARK Attribute monsters, "Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror" and "Stellarknight Constellar Diamond" can stop them from activating their Flip and Graveyard effects. It was Shaddoll. Shaddoll Beast. Since Super Polymerization cant be responded to, every time you activate it, you can be confident that it will work. Their focus is the Fusion Summon of the more powerful "El Shaddoll" monsters, which restrict or punish Special Summons. Not Mention how much a Shadow Games can progress the game state. Will cards like the tricky trigger effects of shaddoll monsters? That's for you to decide. Since towers is uneffected by card effects you cannot fusion with towers. The entire Shaddoll monster core is comprised of normal summons. They're broken because they beat my Rank Four or Die deck. Shaddoll Beast. You can only activate 1 Instant Fusion per turn. Lyla can out Vanity's Emptiness while also setting up your grave with a Light monster and triggering Shaddoll effects during your End Phase, all at the same time. Forbidden/Limited List Discussions. Leveling Up for Limited Formats #1: The Basics of Limited, TCG Meta Snapshot: Kashtira February 2023, The Design of Yu-Gi-Oh 1: Built for Spectacle, 2 New Cards: Elemental HERO & Code Talker. amzn_assoc_region = "US";
Your opinions. 2001 ford e350 super duty for sale dry, cracked fingers vitamin deficiency Yeah, everything that isn't Nekroz has essentially fallen off of the face of the earth. amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links";
Now, I have written a version updated for 2022. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. If you have Mathematician, send Shaddoll Dragon to the grave using Squamata's effect. Can you use super polymerization on face down monsters? While it's unfortunate that you have to remove a card from play (rather than send it to the graveyard, as Shaddolls prefer), Allure still offers one of the best ways to quickly riffle through your deck list and tweak your hand. Sombraeca You can export your deck directly from YGOPRODeck to Yu-Gi-Oh! Because of this, I have an idea that the best deck will be able to effectively use the maximum amount of Soul Charges and that if it cant, there probably is a better deck that can. If your that scared of el shaddoll fusion summoning from the deck then just dont summon an extra deck monster until you have vanity , book , compulse etc to anwser the fusion card. Maining Super Polymerization. Despia, Theater of the Branded - Your main search target for Aluber. It seems a little contradictory to have difficulty doing damage and a bad late game. Shaddolls percentage of games where they can look at their hand and say they are going to win outright is extremely low in comparison to many other decks and the ability to make it happen through a turn one Soul Charge is practically nonexistent. You can use Set monsters you control as Fusion Material, yes. Dragon is solid in that drawing him is an out to any established field, hes one of the less awkward levels, and hes got solid stats. They also focus on casting and supporting their own fusion monsters, often needing monsters of other attributes to perform the summon. Having to wait two turns for your fusion monster is a long delay, but honestly, the actual fusion summon is just an added benefit here. And effect that start with "if" usually doesn't miss timing. The Pot Collection is Now Available for Pre-Order! World Championship 2023 Has Been Announced! The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. YGOPRODeck Cup - Master Circuit Sign-ups! Registration for the Yu-Gi-Oh! To synchro with him, youd have to summon another monster and give up any Shaddoll effects when you tune with it as it wont have been flipped or sent to the grave by a card effect. There are lots of useful resources linked around Yugioh101, check them out! amzn_assoc_linkid = "8080b9592497380738d02a3f9fb9dfe0"; I miss this card because I want to flip super-poly on a quasar again and give the middle finger. Use "Super Polymerization" to Fusion Summon . I don't find the Shaddolls themselves broken just their abilities to utilize many power cards better than other decks (super poly, emptiness, It doesn't make sense to talk of the Shaddoll Fusions as if they weren't Shaddoll Fusions, or of Shaddoll Fusion as if it were. Can you Fusion summon with face-down monsters? He also has a targeting negation effect in the GY when a Fusion monster you control is either destroyed by battle or leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect. What makes shaddoll broken? Korea-Only Sets An excellent field for the Shaddolls; just note that Prison doesn't actually carry the Shaddoll name and won't qualify for name-dependent effects. Finally, they can recycle the "Shaddoll" Spell/Trap cards as long as they are sent to the Graveyard, so even if they are destroyed during or after their Summoning they can still re-add cards like "Shaddoll Fusion" to set up a Fusion Summon the next turn. Feel free to cut this. Fusion summoning mechanics and one-sided effects of the fusion monsters. These are the 10 best cards for your Shaddoll Yu-Gi-Oh deck! Shaddolls were the best deck when it was limited. You can if you chain super poly to the misc. Deck download at profile post RISE OF THE DUELIST!Thanks for watching!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check out our European Facebook Group HERE! Network: Lithium/Lithium2300Devpro/YgoPro: Lithium------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Music from:ElectricMudkip Shade by Per Kiilstofte under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International ( #Dragma #Shaddolls Italian But with dozens of members and potential supports, which cards are worth your attention? I still don't understand why people think Shaddoll Fusion's from deck ability is remotely fair. Forbidden Droplet in particular is similar to a variety of monster negation cards that came before it, but its cost and its wording set it apart. Shaddolls and Super Poly : r/Yugioh101 - reddit New VJUMP Card: Magician of Faith Retrain. A last minor point regarding Armageddon Knight is that it is a Dark monster, which means that it can be used as a material for Shaddoll Fusion (but also your opponent's Super Polymerization!). All fusion spells and rituals spells send as effect cost. So, it isn't true that they stand no chance. Its actually extremely underwhelming. danitza athanassiadis biography I only play 2 because I already know how the deck plays but you can most certainly play 3 by cutting anything but the 1 ofs, except for. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Strategy Articles Fusion at the Speed of Dark! One can also use "Curse of the Shadow Prison" to not only weaken the opponent's monsters but also use their monsters as Fusion Materials. While their Shaddolls will get their secondary effects, this will still often represent a huge swing in tempo and makes it very easy to push for game unexpectedly. amzn_assoc_region = "US";
While both cards can help you set up the very intimidating lock of Number 66: Master Key Beetle and Vanity's Emptiness, Armageddon Knight has a clear advantage, which I will explain after showing the combo. This is done on Can you super poly or shaddoll fussion set monsters? They can be doing well in the grind game, but actually reducing your opponents life points to 0 is a different story. The prevention of Super Polymerization means that no card or effect can be chained to its activation. Alternatively you could side cards that prevent your opponent from banishing cards. Now the fear when your monster is eaten by Super Poly is pretty much gone, or less often. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit";
Can Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon negate graveyard effects? Instead of immediately sending materials for a fusion summon from your deck to the graveyard (as it used to do), you now wait until your next standby phase after activation. Duelist Alliance: Deluxe EditionAstral Pack SixThe New Challengers Super EditionSecrets of Eternity Super Edition2015 Mega-Tin Mega Pack2017 Mega-Tin Mega PackFlames of DestructionShadows in ValhallaBattles of Legend: Hero's RevengeStructure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownOTS Tournament Pack 15Ghosts From the Past2021 Tin of Ancient Battles Especially now that they've lost the best variant of the deck with, Yu-Gi-Oh! you can even clear boards easier and trigger your Shaddolls thanks to Scrap Dragon (which can be made with Raiden and any level 4, using Lyla to destroy a S/T and then synchroing gives you a huge amount of value out of your Soul Charge). Korean DRAGMA SHADDOLLS 2020 *SEARCH SUPER POLY* | Master Rule 5 Thanks to this, Super Polymerization is a fantastic card for Decks that go second to take care of problem boards, as well as a solid choice in the Side Deck. Previously "Shaddoll" Monsters were run with a LIGHT engine (notable cards in Recommended). That's more of a factor of Nekroz existing than anything else. However, that's a small delay for the awesome benefit of accessing your deck, negating the regular hand-field-reducing fusion drawback. Titaniklad - Your main fodder for Mirrorjade, except this time, you won't be searching for a Dogmatika monster, but Special Summoning Fallen of Albaz instead as an interruption. Syaedoreu (romanized)Translation: Shador Prices not found for the following cards: This will download all images used in this deck and zip them up for you. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. They're broken because they lose to Garunix. Being level 5 makes him awkward though, as tributing for him isnt very commonplace and when nothing else in the deck is level 5, your XYZ and Synchro plays are limited and awkward to say the least. Tips and tricks to the Shaddoll Mirror Match - Alter Reality Games The Fusion Summon happens while Polymerization is resolving. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07FDKJL32";
What you're really aiming for are the Shaddoll effects you can activate at the first standby phase (choose dark-attributed El Shaddoll Winda to let you send two Shaddolls at once).